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Walleye Fishing Tips

Walleye Fishing Tips was a website focused on learning walleye fishing tips while learning other fishing tips as well. It no longer exists.


The Cara Program: Case Study

Founded in 1991, The Cara Program is a Chicago-based non-profit that empowers men and women affected by homelessness and poverty with the skills, confidence and resources to secure and sustain quality jobs and achieve long-term success. Since their founding, they have placed more than 2,500 individuals into full-time, rewarding positions with leading Chicago area companies such as ABM Lakeside, The Hilton Hotels, JP Morgan Chase, Sodexho, and more.

The Cara Program sought a redesign of their static website, one that engaged visitors by quickly delivering key information that was clear and concise, and could be easily maintained by Cara staff. Being a non-profit website, they also needed a way to accept donations, recruit volunteers, allow visitors to join their mailing list, and recruit sponsors and employment partners. In addition to being able to simply accept donations, they wanted to eventually “empower” donors to use social media and/or other outlets to spread the word, champion their cause and help others donate or otherwise support. The ability to share some content also needed to be a feature on The Cara Program "child" program websites: Clean Slate, Quad Communities and Career Pathways.

Duo Consulting was chosen to implement their goals and Drupal was the platform chosen.

Lee County Bar Association - Drupal/CiviCRM

Existing Site and Management

Their existing site was done in static HTML. All membership was handled through a single Access database, which besides inflexible, was an issue because as their membership grew, their need for multiple people to be able to edit the database at the same time was growing as well. Our goal was to integrate their website with their member management in order to open up the ability to do event registration tracking, membership signups and renewals, and to do that all through a web interface to allow multiple people access simultaneously.


There are many CRM systems available, however we wanted a system that was integrated well with Drupal and also was open source, so that they were not locked in to the system in the future. CiviCRM fits both of these requirements, and it's a full featured CRM. It's still undergoing rapid development, which makes it a bit of a moving target at times, but for the most part, we were pleased with the little we had to interface with the codebase itself.

Member Directory - Drupal design agency and theme shop website.

Hey Drupallers!

We've launched new website for our agency recently -

Most of the development time was spent on big amount of revisions for the design.
Under the hood, there are:
- Ubercart
- Views
- Webform

and smaller modules, that make our life easier:
- fielfield_paths
- menu_editor
- taxonomy_super_select
- vertical_tabs
- wysiwyg + WYMeditor
- xmlsitemap
- block_edit

and others.

I hope you like it!

Let me know what you think


I've been doing drupal sites for sometime now but I haven't been very focus on it and I must admit there are a lot of mysteries in drupal that I am not aware of and Im just starting to scratch the tip of the iceberg.

Only local images are allowed.

Drupal for Gamers

I had a lot of fun putting this Clan site together using Drupal 6.16 ( it just went up a few days ago and have a lot of tweaking
to do - but the foundation has been set. ) The initial page is for guests only -- once accepted into the clan all features native
and by added mods are included for the users. The screen shot does it no justice. Back to work.. a lot of css to tweak.


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