Show others what you've been working on and get feedback. For in-depth case studies, check the case studies section.

Big Bold Words

Big Bold Words is a fun website that has a lot of potential uses. Just be creative with it.

A very simple site that focuses on being minimalist, BBW makes use of three main elements/ideas:

1. Shorten URL
2. Node Creation page as a front page, accessible to anonymous users
3. Custom javascript code I developed to automatically adjust the font sizes.

Blogonity - Blogging with a difference.

I launched this website a few weeks ago. It is the latest blogging website with many advanced features. Blogonity is a place where you can Blog with a Different Outlook. Check out Blogonity at

Also, please let me know what you think of it, do join and create blogs.

Thank you.

Case study: A dating site made in Drupal

The dedicated section of Drupal is However, the details of exactly how a dating site is built (what modules are implemeting what functionalities) are not given. People seem to avoid that and and couldn't figure out why.
I hope in the future people will be more willing and feel more comfortable to share their details.
Until then, a showcase maybe would be appreciated in the dedicated section of drupal site (i.e. here) as I have seen no similar showcase so far (a dating website built in Drupal) in any section of (check this statement by searching after "dating"). So, I thought maybe this is a good opportunity to bring the basic functionalities of a dating site in the front of Drupal community and see how they can be implemented to the more extensive details.
This is the reasoning behind my wish to post here the details of building my dating site (as a showcase).

Drupal 6 Site for Victoria Flooring Company

The folks over at northStudio Victoria Web Design recently completed this website for Hourigan's a Victoria Flooring Company. I really like the layout and design that they used. I am in charge of promoting this website and have found it a joy to work with. It is a pretty standard Drupal 6 website with CCK, Views, and all of the usual modules and some custom stuff to allow integration with an Interspire newsletter system as well as the carousel type image slideshow in the header.

Ermanno Falco - Fotografo di Torino: a photographer portfolio website built with Drupal

Hi everybody,

in this post I'd like to present you my latest website: Ermanno Falco - Fotografo di Torino (in Italian).

Ermanno is a photographer which operates in the Turin (Italy) area. He contacted me to create a photograpy portfolio website which he could use to upload his best works. Ermanno needed to indipendently manage the uploading/modify process of contens so it been clear from the bedinning that we needed a dynamic platfrom like Drupal.

Revamped X PRIZE Site

I've been meaning to write a nice thorough case study for our newly re-launched X PRIZE site at but just haven't had the bandwith to do so. Even though, I still wanted to provide some details as I feel it is a great showcase for a Drupal site :)

The site has quite a bit of unique functionality. The home page provides a centerpiece by utilizing the Frontpage Slideshow ( by way of a module ( which after lots of research I have found to be a truly beautiful and very flexible tool. It comes with several built in templates and you can easily create your own CSS to customize it even further.


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