This forum is for module development and code related questions, not general module support. For general support, use the Post installation forum.

Difficulty publishing modules on

I recently checked two modules into drupal's contributions/modules CVS directory. Then, I added them to so they would appear under downloads->modules->cvs.

The first, called Worklog worked fine. It appears under "My projects" and under downloads.

Linking from a node to another node

Is there a module that will let me write [node:45656] and turn it into a proper a href to the relavent node ?
Sort of like the attached_node module does, but without the thumbnail...

how to hide the tracker module or how to hide the particular node

Hi every body,

I got some problem, first one is How to hide the tracker module in other users, it is not posible ..... how to hide the particular node in the particular user...because i dont what to show all recent post to all users

pls send the tips to me


don't want a author and time-stamp to show up in static pages in drupal

hi every body,

i dont what a Author name and time-stamp to show in the static pages,

how to hide that, pls give me tips....


flexinode: dropdown lists, wth?

In flexinode i am allowed to make dropdown lists, but they have no content - how can I pre-load these with a list or content type (or something)?

Help with civicspace

I am using the civicspace distrubution of drupal, and installing modules does not work! When i put one in the modules folder, nothing happens.


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