This forum is for module development and code related questions, not general module support. For general support, use the Post installation forum.

Volunteer, contact_manager & CivicRM

I've installed Drupal 4.6.5 (no problems), a few stand-alone modules (no problem) and installed CivicRM (a pain, but a smooth installation). Upon adding the latest volunteer.module (4.6.0) available, I continue to get errors as it makes calls to contact_manager.module. My understanding is that particular module is being phased out and replaced by CivicRM?

Is there a patch or an updated download for volunteer that I've missed?

Need to understand how function calls work

I am still not quite getting a few things in drupal development. Here is a piece of code I am writing:

while ($points = db_fetch_object($result)) {
$rows[] = array(t($points->name),
l(t('details'), "poker/details_page", array())

Troll module has blacklisting

I just added and branched blacklisting support to the troll module. It imports lists from,, and/or a custom list of your own to punish users visiting from blacklisted IP blocks. What you can do to blacklisted visitors:

Need help fast with drupal

I've got the node privacy byrole module installed, and now I need to go back to each of my pages and make the proper settings. Is there a way to do this in a mass fassion?

Problems with menu entries & hook_help (caching ?) on Drupal 4.7 beta 5

Hello all.
I'm experiencing a strange behavior on Drupal 4.7 beta 5 (even with a brand-new instance being installed).
Let's suppose that I just downloaded & unpacked a module on /modules/... let's say, "layouteer". When I go to /admin/modules, the module _is_ on the list, but the "Description" field is blank. That happened when I installed the "views" module some days ago and with a module that I started writing. First I thought that the _help hook format (or result type) should have changed, but after checking existing working modules (like forum.module), I realized that the code below was just right:

function layouteer_help() {
	$section = (func_num_args() ? func_get_arg(0) : '');	
	switch ($section) {
		case 'admin/help#layouteer':
			$output = '<p>'. t('Allows you to create customized pages arranged with one or more existing pages.') .'</p>';
			return $output;
		case 'admin/modules#description':
			return t('Allows you to create customized composed pages.');

And the same with all registered paths (hook_menu) stuff. Even when the module is enabled, the menu items related to the module are not shown nor accessible by the URL directly. Let's say that I installed the module "layouteer" and it has two paths registered like:

function layouteer_menu($may_cache) {

$items = array();

if ($may_cache) {

$perm_create = user_access('create layouted pages');

How do I create a PHP Block that shows the most recent "sticky" node of taxonomy "Promo Image"

I would like to create a PHP Block that displays the most recent "sticky" node of taxonomy term "Promo Image" which is a gallery in "Image Galleries." Basically the point of this is to show an Promotional Image in a block on the homepage.

I thought I could get this done with node_load() but I doubt I can give taxonomy conditions with node_load. I'm guessing I need my own query so I'm scared. Help me.



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