Hey all,
I am having a mjor problem with a newly installed Drupal system and og_forum.
I have setup some groups, and as user 1 have posted some content into a forum. When a "normal" user subscribes to the forum, they for some reason cannot see any of the posts.
If the "normal" user posts some topics into the forum, they can also not see any of the content they posted.
I have sent the past 6 hours trying to track down the problem and it looks like it stems from this query (which is carried out when I am admin):
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(n.nid)) FROM node n INNER JOIN term_node r ON n.nid = r.nid AND r.tid = 158 WHERE n.status = 1 AND n.type = 'forum';
This returns 8 rows, and then kicks off other SQL queries to get info on the posts in the forum.
As a normal user, this SQL statement is instead executed:
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(n.nid)) FROM node n INNER JOIN node_access na ON na.nid = n.nid INNER JOIN term_node r ON n.nid = r.nid AND r.tid = 158 WHERE (na.grant_view = 1 AND CONCAT(na.realm, na.gid) IN ('all0','og_public0','og_all0','og_subscriber6969','og_subscriber6992')) AND n.status = 1 AND n.type = 'forum';
Which returns no rows, and thus, no topics are shown. If I try to access a forum post in the group as a normal user, then I get permission denied.
This is all part of og/og_forum, and the taxonomy patch that is included in the og_form contrib module.