This forum is for module development and code related questions, not general module support. For general support, use the Post installation forum.

og_forum and og permissions messed up

Hey all,

I am having a mjor problem with a newly installed Drupal system and og_forum.

I have setup some groups, and as user 1 have posted some content into a forum. When a "normal" user subscribes to the forum, they for some reason cannot see any of the posts.

If the "normal" user posts some topics into the forum, they can also not see any of the content they posted.

I have sent the past 6 hours trying to track down the problem and it looks like it stems from this query (which is carried out when I am admin):

SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(n.nid)) FROM node n INNER JOIN term_node r ON n.nid = r.nid AND r.tid = 158 WHERE n.status = 1 AND n.type = 'forum';

This returns 8 rows, and then kicks off other SQL queries to get info on the posts in the forum.

As a normal user, this SQL statement is instead executed:

SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(n.nid)) FROM node n INNER JOIN node_access na ON na.nid = n.nid INNER JOIN term_node r ON n.nid = r.nid AND r.tid = 158 WHERE (na.grant_view = 1 AND CONCAT(na.realm, na.gid) IN ('all0','og_public0','og_all0','og_subscriber6969','og_subscriber6992')) AND n.status = 1 AND n.type = 'forum';

Which returns no rows, and thus, no topics are shown. If I try to access a forum post in the group as a normal user, then I get permission denied.

This is all part of og/og_forum, and the taxonomy patch that is included in the og_form contrib module.

Urgent help

I need help urgently.
I got 0 comments on this, and I really need it.

AJAX/Internet Explorer... HTTPGet only working the first time

Here is my javascript code, very simple:

function cart_add(nid) {
  uri = get_base_url() + '?q=cart/cartadd/' + nid;
  HTTPGet(uri, cart_update_block, nid);

function cart_update_block(ajaxString, ajaxResult) {
  var block = $('cables_cart');
  block.innerHTML = ajaxString;

It gets called from this:

Latest & Greatest Forum Posts

I've been trying to modify the latest & greatest module to work with forum posts, rather than aggregator items... but i haven't been successful. Has anyone else modified this module in a similar manner?

It seems like it ought to be pretty easy to modify (not a lot of database queries) if i was a programmer.

here the code that needs to be modified

Download Manger

i would like to know if theres a drupal module for a download center or page, currently i cant find one, even in the CVS, the one in there dosent seem finished. if not intergrating paFileDB would be a great start, i'd do it but coding modules is way over my head, i can do html/php/mysql not this module code though.

Create content inside a module.

Creating the module in which user edits term structure.
In the module terms are named different, presented different - the module stands completely apart of taxonomy module. There was no problem because term db tables structure are quite simple.

Now I came to the point where user should create content while he is inside one of terms.
In other words user travels through taxonomy tree editing terms and creating nodes insite terms rather then going to "create content" page and choosing terms from list.


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