This forum is for module development and code related questions, not general module support. For general support, use the Post installation forum.

New Queue Ready for CVS

I volunteered a bit ago to maintain the Queue module for 4.7, and am ready to do so. I updated the Queue.module to 4.7 awhile ago, and just now finally figured out how to CVS. However, there's a directory already in place with the 4.6x version of Queue in there. What should I do? I assume that one should stay in there? (Although maybe I can just replace those files, since Queue was part of 4.6x core.) Or do we create new directories somewhere besides contributions/modules for 4.7x modules, when there's an existing 4.6x module?


Is module relativity compatible with drupal 4.7.x ?


I am using relativity module with flexinode on Drupal 4.6.5 - Now I am testing a 4.7.0b5 release and it looks like relativity is not supported. What happens is that clicking on 'administer >modules' node doesn't load any content into the browser window or (using IE) it generates a 'page cannot be found' error.

I wonder if anyone has been profitable in porting 'relativity' to drupal 4.7.x - beside that, I am looking for a way to express parent/child relationship in Drupal 4.7.x. Does anyone know any good?



Easy way to verify email address?


What's the best way to verify that an email address "looks" sensible? I'm writing a module that asks for an email address on a form and I'd like the form validation procedure to check that the email address looks like a decent email address. I've considered writing a lumpy bit of code that first checks for the presence of an "@", then explodes the email address around the "@", then checks to make sure the explode resulted in two fragments, then checks for the existance of a "." in the second fragment. Is there an easier and less fragile way?


keywords support for node module

How can I write a module that inserts a hook into the node.module? I want to set a meta header containing keywords for the nodes. They keywords are saved in a table cell.

German umlaute and drupal title

How do I treat German umlaute (ISO-8859-1) like ä, ö, ü in drupal modules? When I do drupal_set_title("Übersicht"), the U umlaut breaks.

access problem

I want to make my own drupal module. I use the template from the tutorial as a base. Let's say the module prints the nodes that belong to a taxonomy term.

When I call it via ?q=new_module

everything works fine and it displays all taxonomy terms.

If I call it via ?q=new_module/term/2

everyone may access the module. Why is that?

(I know there IS a module that does what I try to do, it's only for training purposes.)


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