This forum is for module development and code related questions, not general module support. For general support, use the Post installation forum.

how do I limit one comment per node per user

I'm working on a board like content type and I like to enable authenticated users to leave only one comment for any node (adv.). user are not to see other users comments for this node at all.
How do I do that ?

filemangaer: replace copy with ftp


several people (including me) seem to have php safe mode on and dont want to or dont have the chance to turn it off

is it not possible to replace the copy function with a ftp workaround?

in the on line 272 (4.6.3):

if (!@copy($source, $dest)) {
drupal_set_message(t('File copy failed.'), 'error');
return 0;

replace it with something like this (this code ist not working - i am not a programmer so thats only to show the idea):


I am a new user of Drupal and have accidentally taken off the navigation. Can anyone advise me how to get it back!

Formproc module

I just started using Drupal. and it looks like a real good cms system.

I wanted to create a form with the formproc module, but i had some problems.

What did i do:
- copyd formproc.module , datafield.formproc and default.formproc to modules
- I edited the forum.module like told in the readme.txt

After this i just wanted to do a test, to see if i could open the default.formproc

- How do i display the form
- How can link to a form in menu

Making a module Views "aware"?

Hi all

More question from me! I am now getting into 4.7 in a big way and am again looking at creating my own news type module. I have looked at flexinode, fleximax and cck however I do not need the ability to create multiple new nodes so these are an overkill, so I am creating my own for a number of reasons.

Anyway, I would be interested in making the module compatible with the Views module and make it Views "aware" so to speak. Can anyone throw some light on how I would go abaout it or what I need to include to make it happen?


Plain-text passwords


I've developed an email monitoring module (I'm calling it 'Biff' so far). It checks a user's IMAP inbox and reports the number of messages (total & unread), and -- more importantly for us -- mail server space usage against a user's quota. The data is reported in a block for one of the side bars.

In order to do this, I needed to have the user's password in plain text. We use LDAP authentication for both email and Drupal.

The module intercepts the username & password in its hook_user function and stores them in session variables.

I know there are security concerns with doing something like this, but I don't know of any other way to do it.

Any suggestions?

Further, this module also provides a link in the block to our webmail client. It simulates single sign-on by embedding the username and password in the URL to the webmail client. In order to obscure this a bit, I store the actual URL in a cookie. Sure it's still accessible and still sent plain text over the wire, but it's currently the most secure method I've come up with.

Are there any simple schemes to encode or encrypt (and decode or decrypt) cookies anybody knows of?

I'll probably look into using SSL to at least encrypt data on the wire. But there are obviously other security concerns. If anybody has any suggestions on how to better secure this whole process, I'd be very interested in hearing about them.


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