This forum is for module development and code related questions, not general module support. For general support, use the Post installation forum.

Media module and Filesystem Backup module in need of maintainers

The Media module has many good ideas for how to work with audio files in Drupal. It was never polished enough to be really useful, but is full of interesting code.

Rearranging exisiting MENU_LOCAL_TASK-items (tabs)

Hello everybody,

here's what I am trying to accomplish: I am creating a module which adds tabs to specific nodes.

Normally nodes have the following tab-structure:


what i'd like to do is rearrange those items, and make them subtabs under a tab "administer", like so:

| |-view
| |-edit
| |-track
| L(....)
| |-topics
| |-posts
| L(....)

What I setup my menu_hook() function to create the above structure, there seems to be some conflict with the exisiting menu that is created in node.module.

it basically comes down to: is it possible to do what I want without touching node.module? Thanks for your help!

Akismet module fro Drupal


Just wanted to ping about the idea to have a module in Drupal to use akismet.

For now, I have just starter to look at the docs, implementations of the askimet api with other CMS and writting the first lines... If there's enough interest, I may commit the module to the Drupal contributors repository, otherwise I'll probably leave that just a simple experiment.

I'm wondering if anyone here has experience using akismet. Good? Bad? Anyone used akismet with wordpress? Does it really worth?

civicrm issue

while installing civicrm in a running drupal test module following errors were received

Testing using easyphp
easyphp installs apache 1.3.33 - php 4.3.10 - mysql 4.1.9 - phpmyadmin 2.6.1

was having a well running drupal
error after installation of civicrm

warning: civicrm_menu(CRM/Utils/Menu.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in c:\program files\easyphp1-8\www\drupal\modules\civicrm\modules\civicrm.module on line 182.

Fatal error: civicrm_menu(): Failed opening required 'CRM/Utils/Menu.php' (include_path='.;/var/www/htdocs/civicspace/modules/civicrm;/var/www/htdocs/civicspace/modules/civicrm\packages;.;C:\PROGRA~1\EASYPH~1\\php\pear\') in c:\program files\easyphp1-8\www\drupal\modules\civicrm\modules\civicrm.module on line 182

created seperate db table for civicrm

the following were changed in civicrm.settings.php.samples and copied it to
1]drupal/modules/civicrm/modules/ as 'civicrm.settings.php'

define( 'CIVICRM_UF_DSN' , 'mysql://root:MySql_Password@localhost/drupal?new_link=true' );

lines 85 to 88 [created 2 folders in files/civicrm named templates_c and upload
global $civicrm_root;
$civicrm_root = '/var/www/htdocs/drupal/modules/civicrm';
define( 'CIVICRM_TEMPLATE_COMPILEDIR', '/var/www/htdocs/drupal/files/civicrm/templates_c' );

loading flexinodes from secondary database


I have two sites running off the same codebase (ie, sites/default and sites/ each with their own database.

In settings.php for I have added a second database connection string (which is the first site's database) in an attempt to view flexinodes from the first site.

I've tried a few different things and I can't seem to get this to work.

Module to create and manage vhost within Drupal!

Hi All,

I wondering if a type of module exist that would allow one to easily create and manage virtual host within Drupal. This module should also be capable of creating associated DB (MySQL or PgSQL) for each created virtual host.

Here's why I am asking:

I am thinking of launching a community web site similar to that would offer Free Demo's for various open source software. I'd like to do this using Drupal. I beleive is using Mambo.

I am not a programmer so I am not sure how they have things set up.


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