This forum is for module development and code related questions, not general module support. For general support, use the Post installation forum.

Is there a function that returns the alias for a given path ??

Is there in Drupal any function that does something like this ??

function path_returns_alias(drupal_path)

return alias_for_drupal_path

This could be useful to 'mask' original paths with aliases (if they exist)

For example, instead of taxonomy/term/1 if I defined the alias 'category1' for it, whenever I don't want to print out taxonomy/term/1 I would prefer to print out 'category1'...

Hope I could explain....


AJAX start help for an attempt to build a clone

My "Vote up/down" project is an attempt to build a clone. (Project not approved yet so download from cvs.)

Feedback on new version of the smtp_checker module

Are you using the smtp_checker module? Did you find hard to select which form fields the smtp validation should take place?

I have added a new option where a form assistant can be activated to make this task easier. More details can be found here:

I would appreciate any input you can give, before commiting to the 4.7 branch.


taxonomy_theme with php5

Any Ideas to make taxonomy_theme module for 4.6 work with php 5?

Node lists in 4.5


Can I create a page that just lists nodes in a taxonomy category?

I have several categories, and I want the 'news' one to only list nodes within that category, and just the Title of the node, no teaser.

So that when someone visits my news Page, they see a list of all the news articles.

Is this possible? I'm not scared of writing some PHP, or a custom module, but I don't know what drupal functions to call.



user own category?????

taxonomy/vocabulary/term is public, all user share the same category tree.
But i need a module ,site user can set his/her own taxonomy/category, i.e. user A have a taxonomy,like a tree, user B have another taxonomy,like another tree.
It is usefull to BSP builded by Drupal, any blogger have the own category tree, as well as share the system tree.
Is there a module can fit this?
(i am a new English User,sorry )


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