This forum is for module development and code related questions, not general module support. For general support, use the Post installation forum.

Customising contact_dir? Is this possible?

I mentioned this a while ago, but it got not response and I really need a hand with it.

I suspect that the reason for a lack of response is because most folks will now be using civicrm or contact manager, but (for a whole host of reasons) I've gone back to using contact_dir, which is serving my purposes perfectly.

However, instead of it showing "Owner" and linking to whoever added the entry, I'd like it to show "Job" and maybe link to a results page for all with the same job title.

image module


I would like to know if the image.module is working with Drupal 4.7 yet ?



Anyone using category.module on a live site?

I notice that the category.module page still advises not to use this on a live production site. Is that really the case?

Any mavericks out there gone for it anyway?

Problems with Event module and drop down boxes

Hello Y'all,

I have a small problem with the Event module. I have in stalled the module properly - because I get the three choises on what node to be displayed in the calendar. But I think there is some kind of flaw in my installation - because when I go the the Node where I which to add the event - something strange is happenning.

The start date shows the month in a drop-down-box as well as the time (both the hour and the minutes), however the day and the year is not in a drop-down-box but in a normal text field.

Is this normal?

Best performance: Custom module or Views/CCK?


I'm still undecided which solution to use: Custom module or Views/CCK?

I love the new form API and being a PHP developper, I don't mind having to get my hands dirty a bit. So my question is mainly about performance: which performs better?

I'd be tempted to say custom modules but I read in the development mailing list that "both CCK and Views attempt to aggressively cache their data" making the performance not so much of an issue.

How do you host a domain on top of a Drupal blog ...

How do you host a real domain on top of a Drupal blog ...
Any suggestions on what I should modify to get this done ?



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