This forum is for module development and code related questions, not general module support. For general support, use the Post installation forum.

create a project - the easy way?

I have worked hard to produce a working module, which is great from my point of view. As I wanted to share it, I was aiming to create a project on this website. I tried once to fill fields that I was able to, without any success of creation. I have no idea of what was wrong, but it didn't work.


I was stumbling through the handbook looking for info on using the CVS. I thought I'd examined most topics, and finally tried the "Bazaar-NG" topic.

So if this is the CVS software, what is ViewCVS? Are they the same? Are they alternatives?

Is there such a module?

Is there a module that is available that can put random or select images on the front page (in the center) with comments?

Module works (partially) in a particular folder but no where else...

Using 4.7b4

I started off making a copy of the dashboard module just because it's short and simple and using a bit of the how to create a simple module tutorial.....

Now the module (lag) half works in the <>/module/dashboard folder - that is it appears on the create content page, but not in the create content menu....

However when i move it to the <>/module or it's own folder, it doesn't show up in either the create content menu or on the create content page...

Here's the module code in case you care to look.

File system plugin?

Are there any filesystem modules available in Drupal? I mean, some module so I can edit core Drupal files through web-interface.

Is it possible to use externally hosted banners

I am using the banner maodule and was wondering if anyone had successfully used banners from an external site (ie full urls instead of hosting the banners myself)?

The reason is that some affiliate banners i use will change according to their latest offers, and get tracked on the affiliate site...and as such they need to remotely hosted, not uploaded to my drupal site.

Any ideas?


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