I have modified the block.module to include role specific visibility setting for blocks. With this you can configure the visibility settings for blocks based on roles. Please tel me if anybody needs it i shall send the code for the same.
I have a program that is not a drupal module, but I want to control access to it through drupal navigation menu. I am on drupal 4.7 and tried adding the program as a menu item, but I get a blank screen. So now I am thinking I should open the program in a new browser window. How should I do this? I looked at the chatbox module which I think opens a browser window, but I don't understand the code. Here is the code from chatbox that I think is how it launches a browser window.
Hello! I have a problem with taxonomy_image module, I've installed this module and I've activated from Administer->Modules and configurated from Administer->Settings->Taxonomy_image correctly.
But I don't know where I must place the call to "print taxonomy_image_display($term->tid);"
I use Drupal 4.6.5, phptemplate engine and FriendsElectric theme.
I installed Drupal 4.7 and installed Gmap.... I have a few glitches.
1. My webpage http://www.fundmytravel.com/gmapmacro ...the map overlaps the text and there is nothing much I can do with the map because of it.
2. Is it possible to have more than one maps on a page?
Thank you in advance
Kind regards