This forum is for module development and code related questions, not general module support. For general support, use the Post installation forum.

Add Image field to profile module custom fields.

It would be very useful if the custom fields options in the user profile module could include an image upload field (Simular to the one in Flexinode)

Using this multiple images could be added to a users profile. This would be very useful for community applications dating and art websites e,t,c.

Unfourtunately I have no idea how to go about porgramming this, anyone got any ideas?

Add new field

Drupal 4.7 module skeleton

Does anyone have a drupal 4.7 module skeleton the most basic module, like just printing "hello" on the screen? I would really appreciate getting a copy to get me started with a working base module.



How do I tell if cron is calling hook_nodeapi?

My question is related to a problem which is described here. I look after the Checkout module which uses the hook_nodeapi in several modes (including "form pre", "validate" and "update") to lock access to a node by other users. Apparently this causes problems with the Aggregator module running under cron such that all the nodes it updates are left "checked out" and so non-modifiable. I'm not sure how to deal with this: one way would be to detect whether the updating process is a cron job or not, but I have no idea how to do this.

Need Help with Tables and 4.7 Forms API

Hi guys, I'm trying to update a site I manage to Drupal 4.7-beta4. I've made a few custom modules, one of which implemented a form mixed into a table. The old code looked like this:

$db_hours_query = db_query('...query...', $node_data->nid);
while ($db_hours = db_fetch_array($db_hours_query)) {
  $user_select[$db_hours['row_num']] = $db_hours['uid'];
  $service_hours[$db_hours['row_num']] = $db_hours['service_hours'];
  $fellowship_hours[$db_hours['row_num']] = $db_hours['fellow_hours'];
  $fundraiser_hours[$db_hours['row_num']] = $db_hours['fund_hours'];
  $ritual_req[$db_hours['row_num']] = $db_hours['ritual'];

In here a select field is generated, but I'm switching to a textfield with 4.7's autocomplete feature, so it's not really relevant.
$header = array(t('#'), t('Member'), t('Service Hrs'), t('Fellowship Hrs'), t('Fundraiser Hrs'), t('Ritual Req.'));
$rows = array();
for($i = 1; $i <= $total_slots; $i++) {
$rows[] = array(
'data' => array(
($error[$i] ? theme('image', 'misc/watchdog-error.png', t('error'), t('error')) : t($i)),
form_select('', 'user_select]['.$i, ($user_select[$i] != 'select' ? $user_select[$i] : 'Select a Member'), $user_options),
form_textfield('', 'service_hours]['.$i, (($service_hours[$i] && $user_select[$i] != 'select') ? $service_hours[$i] : ''), 5, 5),
form_textfield('', 'fellowship_hours]['.$i, (($fellowship_hours[$i] && $user_select[$i] != 'select') ? $fellowship_hours[$i] : ''), 5, 5),


Just wondering if someone can recommend a good image galleries module. I've tried gallery2 and the basic album module, but I find that the gallery2 module is too congested to the average user, and the album module isn't very "gallery-ish" (ie you can't browse several pictures in rows and colums on the page - just in list form, as if they were seperate posts).

I'd love something in which photos could be displayed like in gallery2, but with a simple interface. All i want to do is click on an album and view the pictures inside, with a nice layout.

nodeapi $op = 'prepare'

What is the main use of the 'prepare' op in hook_nodeapi? It's not documented , and i was just wondering what is commonly done during that hook, and when it is fired...


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