I'm trying to get Narkoba's podcast module to work, and am having some wierd validation and usage issues.
I have one primary site using Drupal , and one subdomain set up as a a Drupal multisite.
Everything looks fine within the site, but I have 2 problems.
1. The sub-domain site podcast feed (http://astronomy.podcastformat.com/darkmatters) validates OK at http://www.feedvalidator.org/ but when you look at the feed, it is devoid of any episode information (ie RSS items).
2. I set up exactly the same thing on my primary site with a feed of http://podcastformat.com/podcast/feed/7 and when you look at the site or the feed (by browsing the link) it looks like a perfectly valid feed with episode tags, itunes tags etc etc, but when you throw it into feedvalidator, it reports all sorts of errors and shows half of the tags as being empty (beginning with the title tag).
Even more frustrating, when I throw in the feed link at Narkoba's demo site http://www.narkoba.be/narkoba/?q=podcast/feed/180 it validates OK, but when I compare that feed and my feed in the browser, the tags all look exactly the same - actually mine even show more tags with info in than his does.
So, the first problem is stopping me using my subdomain for podcasts, and the second problem is stoppping me using anything for podcasts!
If anyone can shed a light on any of this, aprticularly why a browser view looks complete but the feedvalidator view looks incomplete, I'd greatly appreciate it.