This forum is for module development and code related questions, not general module support. For general support, use the Post installation forum.

Wich module to make a nice gallery ? (Drupal CVS)


I'm using Drupal CVS to make a website for a friend.

He want a gallery on it but the current gallery module (cvs) do not work with drupal CVS.

Also, there are 2 versions of that module:
first here:
second here:

Wich one to take?

What is the best media manager for drupal CVS ?


Image module question

hey all,

ok, I got a pretty simple question.

here is what i got so far for the image.module.

	if (variable_get('image_view_original', 0)) {
		$src = '';
		$image = '<img src="/' . $src . '" />';
        $links[] = l($image, 'files/'.$node->images['_original'], array("target"=>"_blank"), NULL, NULL, FALSE, TRUE);

That is to open up the full size image into a new window.

Process of registration of the user

Good afternoon! I would like to learn algorithm of registration of the user. I have absolutely got confused in a code. Especially me the moment when data of the user are transferred in a database interests.
In advance thanks!

Embed google video

Hello all,

I have been working on starting up a site that is strongly based around the video.module. When I saw the tight integration and ease of use the video.module had with, I decided to use that as my primary source for hosting video. However, in light of the recent ability of embedding videos from Google Video, which in my opinion is a whole lot better than youtube, I was wondering if it is possible to embed Google Video into my drupal installation as nodes. Perhaps, if it is not likely that the video.module will be able to do it, especially since it is not being developed for 4.6, is there a different way I can set this up?

I am now leaning towards doing this with the flexinode.moudle. With that would I be able to create a module where I can submit content with length and size field and inside the node I can have the video from Google able to play. Also, could I create two blocks from the flexinode where I can list something like the video.module does, 'most popular videos' and 'most recent videos'. I am pretty sure I will be able to do this just by looking at what the PHP snippets have to offer, but I just wanted to get a second opinion at what the community thinks.

Anyway, sorry if this post seemed a bit scatter brained, I'm not much of a coder if that has anything to do with it, but I'm learning as I go ;)

Thanks for taking the time to read this request.

submitting second form (form API drupal 4.7)

Hi all,
This question must have come up before but I cannot find an answer for it by searching. I'll try to make this as clear as possible...

My module page is accessed by


on this page the user is presented with a form (1 text field and submit), when submitting this form a second form is generated, the value they entered in the first form is to become a default value for a field in the next. This all works fine so far.
The function that generates the first form is called: mymodule_add , and the function that recieves the form back to evaluate is called: mymodule_add_submit . This function gets the form fine and I can process the data contained within it, and generate the second form.

The second form is called mymodule_save and the function to recieve the form called mymodule_save_submit. But when this form is submitted I am taken back to the first form, drupal does not send the second submitted form to it's function.
I have tested the second function by having the first form submit to it (and output some verification data) just to see it works, and it does.

Does this have something to do with the callback for this URL (/?q=add) being the function that generates the first form? - shouldn't drupal check for the _submit function and go their first anyway?

I can not see anyway there can be multiple forms to be generated and submitted via the same URL.

How to call a function created in a module?

I have a serious problem :)
I am creating a new module mymodule.module. I have one function that seems to be a hook but it's not a real one. I have called
it :

	function mymodule_myfunction() {
		return "Thanks Drupal!";

I have added mymodule. Now I have created a new "PHP code" node. I would like to invoke this function from the node so I want to write something like below in the body of the node :


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