This forum is for module development and code related questions, not general module support. For general support, use the Post installation forum.

Unicode in Pdfview? Or doing smth wrong?

Content of generated PDF file in other then english languages just don't show correctly. Any ideas?

Embedding site-wide placeholder

Hi there, I'm just getting used to drupal and it seems to cover all (and even more) needs for an upcoming project. There's just one point I'm not sure about existing implementations and/or possibilities for extending drupal up to this requirement:

We need a slideshow module.

Why is there still no slideshow module?
Can someone at least give me a hint as to how to filter out files with thumbnail in their name so that i can get the following script working for the mean time?

works but also shows the thumbnails....
could this serve as a start for a drupal module?


Help with REGEX please


One thing I've always been useless at is regular expressions. Basically I need a regex to parse out three elements of an anchor (a) tag: the url, the title attribute, and the link text inbetween the a tags. So:

<a href="/my/url" title="a description">link text</a>

becomes an array:

array( 'url' => 'my/url', 'title' => 'a description', 'text' => 'link text')

or somesuch. Any help is appreciated, thanks!

Assigning access permission to menus

I'm a very newbie to drupal and very interested in creating drupals module. As a learning process i embarked on project to create an entry module for my site. I'm having problems with menus and permissions.

i want anonymous users to have a menu so that when they click on it, they get an interface for adding and viewing entries. then a menu for logged in users where by when they click on it they get the view interface as the anonymous user but has the ability to comment on the entry. Based on the online tutorials that i followed, i managed to come up with something. when i installed the module and enabled it and granted the neccessary permission to right users, the menu never showed up, can anybody please help me out. This is the code for generation of the menu.

* Implementing hook help
function kentry_help( $section ) {
switch( $section ){
case "admin/modules#description":
$output = t( 'entry module' );
return $output;

* Implementing hook perm
function kentry_perm() {
return array( 'view entry',
'suggest entry',
'review entry'

* Implementing hook menu
function kentry_menu( $may_cache ) {

$items = array();

$view = user_access('view entry');

//$anonymous = user_access( 'suggest entry' );

Bookreview with images as rating!


Can anyone help me to make the bookreview-mobulde show images instead of numbers when rating a book? For instance: Rating 1 shows rating1.png; Rating 2 shows rating2.png and so forth.

I hope that any of you can help me.




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