This forum is for module development and code related questions, not general module support. For general support, use the Post installation forum.

TinyMCE 4.7.0

It seems the files are missing in the tgz files

Hook on settings update

Hi all,

I'm a newbie Drupal module developer - is there a hook (or any other method) of being notified when the settings page has been saved (ie after save on hook_settings)? I need to do a bit of work on the settings that have been saved, but can't figure out how.



mysql_real_escape_string() warning


I've coded a module which should read informations out of the database... everything works fine if i am logged in with the administrator account, but when a anonymous user wants to access the page the following warning is shown:

warning: mysql_real_escape_string() expects parameter 1 to be string, unknown given in ****\includes\ on line 239.

I don't know why, because I didn't called this function :(

thanks for help :)

A block based on page content


I'm trying to set up a block that will show a content that is placed at one of pages. The meaning is that editor can change a content of the page (text, links, images) and it will be automatically shown at one of side block. Is it real? I've tried few modules but all of them give an option to make custom menus, not content.

Paypal framework setup

I am a newb to Drupal (from Xoops) and I need help learning how to setup the database. It says import the tables or something, but I do not know how to do that, I am having the same problem with the webform module as well

Thanks for the TR translation module

Just a small note to say "Thank you" to user rellis who developed the tremendously useful TR translation module.

It is small and simple enough to use that I can safely give it to the end-users without worrying that they will be baffled by it.

I'm developing a site for an artist who wants to publish information in two languages. The structure of the site is consistent across both languages, making the i18n module overkill. The simple translation interface in the TR module is just right. Even a painter can do it (I hope).


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