This forum is for module development and code related questions, not general module support. For general support, use the Post installation forum.

Add image button - with TinyMCE simple theme.

I have been using the new img_assist module that is at the moment in beta. It is working great for my present purposes. I would like to use it with the TinyMCE editor - but at the moment the 'drupalimage' plugin only makes the 'add image' button available with the TinyMCE advanced theme.

Our users do not need the advaced theme so we would like to enable it on the simple theme. I have tried hacking the the plugin - but with no joy.

Has anyone else managed to do this or got any suggestions about approaching this problem.

Issue with Securesite module

Ok, I have securesite installed and it works extremely well. I am much more comfortable about the security of the site now.

When I login, I get the drupal login screen and I am able to login. Perfect. However, when i logout, I get the normal windows htaccess popup asking for a username and password. I have to hit cancel, then reload the site to login again.

It appears as though securesite releases the access before drupal has finished completing the logout. Is there a workaround for this? Does anyone else have a creative way around this?




users can't see inbox(0) in their menu. only admin can see it.

Adding user permissions to page.module

I'm trying to add the same access control features from node.module into page.module. I added an 'access content' permission, and then in page_access I added a user_access check that I copied straight out of node.module.

Neither change is working. Anonymous users can access pages (but not nodes), and there are no new permissions in the page module section of access control. I've disabled and enabled the module, and I've re-started the web server, but still no dice.

Any ideas?


Creating a tabbed interface for searching

I'm interested in extending the search functionality to incorporate the location of nodes as well as their content. I don't want to overcomplicate the search screen, so thought perhaps adding a location section to the advanced functionality box on the search page.

Module supplying code only...


I am looking at creating a module for phpAdsNew that just supplies code to the drupal system so it would be available in my template. Considering it wouldn't have any relation to a node, is there anything special I must do?


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