This forum is for module development and code related questions, not general module support. For general support, use the Post installation forum.

New Module: PrintView

The module is simply spoken a crossing of 'Print' + 'PDFView' = 'PrintView'.

I really like the print module (printer-friendly pages), but it does not meet all my
requirements. What I needed was the ability ...

- to print taxonomy/term/x or taxonomy_menu/x pages, which contain multiple
nodes. print can only format node/x pages. some basic structural changes were
needed to archive this, so can cannot provide a simply patch for print module.

- to create a pdf download of the preformatted (using print) page (pdfview does
not format the page before it creates the pdf and therefore leads to malformed
pages frequently).

- to add a single link 'print version' (e.g. to the footer) to provide the users a
printer and pdf view of the pages.

PrintView qualifies for my benefit and is easy to use.
You can prefix your page url with
- print/ to get a printer-friendly version of the page
- pdf/ to get a pdf download
- printview/ to let the user choose the format
for example 'print/taxonomy/term/3' creates the printer friendly view of
'taxonomy/term/3' and 'pdf/taxonomy/term/3' a pdf version for it.

I know that PrintView is not perfect and the pdf view needs more work, but I also
think it has potential. (The module uses html2fpdf to perform pdf conversion,
which is still in beta state, Maybe it can be
further extended and with your help succeed print module one day.

Any Sudoku Module Creation Plans Out There?

Hi All.

I would love to add a daily Sudoku puzzle to my sites. ..

Does anyone know if one is in the works? I saw the PHP Nuke has one, while searching Google.

As an alternative, does anyone know if there is any PHP Snippet/Code out there that may accomplish the same thing?

Thanks!! :)

Complex query in Views API - advice


I want to use the views module to list the nodes returned by a query like this:

 $querynobody = "SELECT uid FROM users WHERE name = 'nobody'";
  $nobodyobject = db_fetch_object(db_query($querynobody));
 $query = "SELECT m.evalid,n.title,n.nid,n.created FROM (node n INNER JOIN fhsstadmin_mediation m ON n.nid=m.nid) WHERE n.type='fhsstadmin-mediation' AND m.mediationstatus='0' AND m.evaluid != '$user->uid' AND m.pageuid != '$user->uid' AND n.uid='$nobodyobject->uid' GROUP BY n.title ORDER BY n.created ";
 if ($limitnum >= 0 ) $query .= " LIMIT " . $limitnum;

How do I put in all the ANDs in the end properly?

I know how to expose the various columns using:

$tables['fhsstadmin_mediation'] = array(
"name" => "fhsstadmin_mediation",
"join" => array(
"left" => array(
"table" => "node",
"field" => "nid"
"right" => array(
"field" => "nid"
"fields" => array(
"mediatoruid" => array(
'name' => "Mediator ID",
'sortable' => true,
'mediatoruid' => "mediatoruid",
'addlfields' => array("mediatoruid")
"evaluid" => array(
'name' => "Mediator Eval ID",
'sortable' => true,
'evaluid' => "evaluid",
'addlfields' => array("evaluid")
// etc.
"filters" => array(

Abour URL...

Can you help me with my question:

how I can change url of directory on my site

from ""

to ""?

TimyMCE Image handling (McImageManager/McFileManager integration Vs Image.Module Integration)

My first post on finally :)

I was looking at posting by moxiecode and found that MCFileManager and MCImageManager are being being integrated into TinyMCE as plugins.

They also mention that it includes a new authenticator specifically written for drupal.


1) Will images and/or files loaded by these plugins be drupal nodes or will be just stored as normal files and be accessible only thru MCFileManager and MCImageManager.

2) I checked the code (the drupal authenticator) and found that it is creating a directory for each user. Does this mean that each drupal site user will have his own private store of images which he/she can manage using MCFileManager and MCImageManager plugins.


1) The tinyMCE project - - has provided support for images to be imported directly and implemented as a plugin in TinyMCE. I know this imports images as proper drupal nodes. (Please correct me if I am wrong)

and finally what I would like to understand are views on

1) Does it make sense to import/manage an image collection like normal files and not as proper drupal nodes, (the way image module does) like as I believe is happening with TinyMCE plugins (MCFileManager and MCImageManager)

I just initiated this discussion to understand the pros and cons of using the above approaches. Managing images as normal files or as proper drupal nodes by the image module.

Disabling Caching Totally in Module

Hi all,

I'm writing a very dynamic module that is to interface with a back-office database, however, I need to progmatically disable the cachine mechanism on each of the pages (not blocks) returned by the module.
I've had a look through the API and development handbooks, but can't find anything related to the cache.
Searching the site + the net has just led me to think about disabling it, although this is a far from ideal solution.

Am I missing something?



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