The module is simply spoken a crossing of 'Print' + 'PDFView' = 'PrintView'.
I really like the print module (printer-friendly pages), but it does not meet all my
requirements. What I needed was the ability ...
- to print taxonomy/term/x or taxonomy_menu/x pages, which contain multiple
nodes. print can only format node/x pages. some basic structural changes were
needed to archive this, so can cannot provide a simply patch for print module.
- to create a pdf download of the preformatted (using print) page (pdfview does
not format the page before it creates the pdf and therefore leads to malformed
pages frequently).
- to add a single link 'print version' (e.g. to the footer) to provide the users a
printer and pdf view of the pages.
PrintView qualifies for my benefit and is easy to use.
You can prefix your page url with
- print/ to get a printer-friendly version of the page
- pdf/ to get a pdf download
- printview/ to let the user choose the format
for example 'print/taxonomy/term/3' creates the printer friendly view of
'taxonomy/term/3' and 'pdf/taxonomy/term/3' a pdf version for it.
I know that PrintView is not perfect and the pdf view needs more work, but I also
think it has potential. (The module uses html2fpdf to perform pdf conversion,
which is still in beta state, Maybe it can be
further extended and with your help succeed print module one day.