This forum is for module development and code related questions, not general module support. For general support, use the Post installation forum.

Display a users name in the title of a menu item

I am new to Drupal and searched for this but found nothing.

wiki type module

Ive been trying a few things with a local drupal and was trying to do some wiki like module. The wiki module for drupal 4.6 can do wiki like syntax and wiki links, but doesn't define a wiki node type. It makes sence to have a custom node type for registered users, though a page module could do this. It is possible to make a wikinode content type using a custom module. You can also link /wiki/nodetitle to wiki node and the noad_load/ show to render it instead of /node/$nid.

In drupal 4.7 new form API, how to make use of the new date type?

Hi, I'm creating a new module, I have a field named "Due Date", which need three select drop down in mm/dd/yyyy format.

So at first, I use
$form[due_date] = array('#type' => 'date', ......);

A problem with flexinode


I have a problem. I just dont know what should i do to fix it. I installed the flexinode plugin to my drupal site. And when i try to add new content type i have and error:

Fatal error: Call to undefined function: drupal_get_form() in /home/keldrir2/public_html/proov/modules/flexinode/flexinode.module on line 831

And when i try to look the Content Types i have another error:

Fatal error: Call to undefined function: drupal_add_js() in /home/keldrir2/public_html/proov/modules/flexinode/flexinode.module on line 361

How to use categories/taxonomy feature?

I want to use the categories and taxonomy feature for a single node such as "story".

The $user object - trying to understand

I want to develop a module to handle an external db that I want to attach to the drupal site I'm working on. I have extended the user profile to gather info needed for this other db.


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