This forum is for module development and code related questions, not general module support. For general support, use the Post installation forum.

Clarification requested regarding Simplenews Module

In the author states that the upgraded SimpleNews is compatible only with Head. Was Head at that time a 4.7 version, or has the Head of that time been released as a subsequent iteration of 4.6?

At then end of the day, my question is this: is the current 4.6 SimpleNews download still vulnerable to the multiple copies problem? I had a major embarassment with this problem in December (spammed people with up to 24 copies of the same message) and I wouldn't want that to happen to anyone else.

Off-site redirects during login


I am writing a module to link Drupal with an ASP I use to do mass mailings and advocacy campaigns (i.e. letters to elected officials).

The ASP provides an API over HTTP to log users into their system. On login, a cookie is returned to the user. When the user browses to the ASPs websites, forms are pre-populated with their data.

The API specifies the following arguments:

dates before 1970

Minor issue:

The function node_validate in node.module doesn't allow nodes to have a negative 'created' field.
It's very limiting for my project, and I don't understand the motivation.

Couldn't the following line...

if (strtotime($node->date) <= 0) {ù

... be changed to

$created = strtotime($node->date);
if ($created === -1 || $created === FALSE) {

Not sure I should have posted here... but thank you!
Ciao. Mic

how to put image field in new module?

What is the best way to add an image field to a new node type module I am making? Should I use img_assist.module? Or just a form input field of
'#type' => 'file'
? Or what? Thanks!

Mirroring user and profile db functions in external db

I'd like to attach a db to my drupal site. I am hoping to be able to somehow mirror drupal's user and profile insert/update/delete db on this external db so that they are in synch. In otherwords, a user registering on the site is automatically registered on the external db: same username, password and any profile info collected. Of course, any updates and deletes also need to be reflected.

Sunrise: my new module

I just finished my new module for Drupal 4.6: Sunrise. It displays a block where users can see the sunrise and sunset times for a predefined geographical location. Please post feedback and guidelines for the next version. :)


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