I am trying to set up the e-commerce modules (better: the whole set). I would love to see more docu on this! But that aside: my problem is for some reason the standard product page isn't listing the added products.
The first time I installed fexinode, I wondered if it would allow to add fields to existing content types (book pages for example).
Unfortunately, though it surprises me, it seems to lack this feature.
Am I missing something?
I wonder now if it is possible to exend flexinode, for binding "flexible" metadata to all nodes. It should be a sort of flexinode+nodeapi.
But I'm quite new to Drupal. Does someone has hints about this? Is there someone experiencing the same problems?
I am using 4.7-beta3 and I want to add some data to $user as its database intensive but changes very slowly so I don't want to recalculate it every time the block renders.
I wanting to insert a banner on the top of a story, like where the title is..
Lets say I have 2 topic lists
Topic List 1
Banner 1
Banner 2 *
Banner 3
Topic List 2
Topic2 *
Topic4 *
So lets say I select the one with the *'s
I want to hard code this to use the one in topic one as the banner, so I will code <img src="http://www.pathtothebanner.com/<? php print $WHAT FOR JUST THE TOP TERM ?>"