As briefly discussed in passing a month or two ago, I've been intending to do this properly.
By the time I got CVS access last year I'd lost interest a bit, but due to a few requests I've re-activated this project and released a very hairy first go at the Import HTML module
I'll copy the project overview below (sorry it's big) - please take note of the requirements.
I'd be receptive to any input, but it's deployment testing and major bug squashing at the moment - no 'feature requests' :-B I've got too many settings already.
Drupal Module: Import_HTML
Facility to import an existing, static HTML site structure into Drupal
This is done by allowing an admin to define a source directory of an
traditional HTML website, and importing (as much as possible) the content and
structure into a drupal site.
Files will be absorbed completely, and their existing cross-links should
be maintained, whilst the standard headers, chrome and navigation blocks
should be stripped and replaced with Drupal equvalents. Old structure will be
inferred and imported from the old folder heirachy.
Before you begin
See the setup section for details. Because of the
number of settings, this is not just a point-and-go module.