This forum is for module development and code related questions, not general module support. For general support, use the Post installation forum.

Create php page

Lets consider on php from which accept event_title and event_description . I want insert this data in my database. But to insert data I have to submit form. Now I have problem that how to submit form and specify action when I created page.



I am interesting to create our own website. I am using CivicSpace... I am creating our own menu's like(home,services.....). But clicking on home then i will get pagenot found message...nothing will happen.. How to add perticular node or module our creating menu's..... Plz suggest me i am struking here........


Are their variables for paths to the drupal install and the current module directory?

I'm having a devil of a time coming up with the appropriate paths for two tasks:

1. I need to get the path/URL to the current module. I want to serve an image in the module's directory.
2. I need to find the absolute path to an image being served in a page. Given the page text, I need to figure out where the image is on the file system, so I can find it's dimensions. I could get the base URL and the I have the URL path to the image (e.g. themes/mytheme/myimage.png), but how do I translate this into "/absolute/path/to/drupal/themes/mytheme/myimage.png)

Getting the buffered output


I just saw:

It's a GPL'd library to turn all <img src = "foo.png"> into MSIE 5.5+ transparent PNG loads.

I'd like to wrap it into a module. I could make it part of a theme, but I think a module would give people more independence.

Pathauto etc. up for adoption

I'm afraid I haven't had much time lately to respond to issues for my contrib modules, and I apologize to those who depend on them (particularly pathauto, relative to the 4.7 upgrade). At this point, I'm trying to get away from spending so much non-day-job time staring at a computer screen, and to reconnect with the real world. To that end, I invite any interested module developers to adopt ongoing support for the following modules:

Modifying the Registration Page-Extended User Details: Recommendations for something I can distribute

I am going to be using Drupal in an upcoming project. I will need to extend the details that users enter in at login, such as regional information and some other custom stuff. I was wondering if anyone has any good recomendations on how to produce a module that does not make me an island in the Drupal world. I don't want to build this module, and then be stuck in no mans land(ala Mambo). I have a lot of registration info to collect, so I will need to stretch the registration process over three seperate form submittals... anyone have a clever idea for how to do that...?


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