This forum is for module development and code related questions, not general module support. For general support, use the Post installation forum.

Blogs module bug

I looked for quite a while and couldn't really find anything (so sorry if this is irrelavent now, or already been reported).

When a user is deleted, their blog nodes remain. But instead of showing the blog, it has no user to map up to, and then shows n/a. A simple "select * from nodes where uid not in (select uid from users)" will show you which nodes have no user and should thus be deleted, but I would assume something like that should be in the module itself.

Once again, sorry if this is posted in the wrong spot, but I was confused as to where else it should be posted.

Changes/modification of bookreview module...

I am looking for a freelancer that can modify the bookreview module to suit my needs. I have tried to modify it myself but have gotten bogged down with other things.

Basically, I want to convert this module into a resturant review module in which people can rate/review both the place as well as the individual dishes/drinks that they have while there.

Thanks, and if you are interested please contact me via email (chamb1 at gmail dot com)


Am I missing something?

I'm running with version 4.6. I've been looking through the examples so far and not found what I am looking for. I've used Flexinode before but for what I want I need to create a module to handle all the work, but I am struggling to really understand what I need to get in place.

I want to use Drupal to allow users to register and then provide them with a

Essential I am after the following;

multiple images associated to a product in the ecommerce module


I am a new user of drupal. I want to create an ecommerce site . For this i came across drupal along with its ecommerce module. But it seems to have a limitation that I can associate only one image with a product ( I need to provide multiple images to each product). I would like to know if there is any way in which i can associate multiple images with each product.

Thanks in advance

Flexinode & Taxonomy in table view

I've been crawling through the forums to find an account of this..

I know that through assigning a new flexinode content type to a specific vocab, enables the option to select tax terms for the specific flexi-node. Now, I want to make this taxonomy term show up as a part of the tabular view, so that an extra column is created within which the (clickable) taxonomy term is shown.

I assume this takes some modification of the module and I'm not yet sure if it would be best to modify the original flexinode or the fleximax module.. probably this doesn't really matter.

Need an image with current print edition display


I just installed the epublic edition. And it is working fine. Now, my requirement is to insert an image with current print editon display. Please any one can help me.

Thanks in advance.



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