This forum is for module development and code related questions, not general module support. For general support, use the Post installation forum.

feature request/wish: rating system

in addition to posting comments, can the user (perhaps and the author) rate a node/article?
and further, the rated nodes/articles can be sorted by ratings/stars?

Code for a Site Help Module open for comments

I'm working on another much larger module and one of the pieces I needed was a site help feature for users specific to roles. Instead of folding it into my module, I decided it would be better implementented as it's own module.

The intention of Site Help is to create a simple, site help content infrastructure suitable for site users in understanding how to use aspects of the site.

I've only recently been approved for a CVS account, and still need to learn how to use CVS. I'm also quite busy putting the finishing touches on my other module, which is my first priority. But I thought I would post this code here for anyone who may want to look at it and try it out. It has only been tested a little by me. If anyone has a CVS account and wants to create a project around this, I would be more than happy for you to do that. If you would like me to be co-maintainer, I would be happy about that too. If no one takes up that offer, I will eventually create a project around it myself (assuming comment and suggestions warrant it), but it will probably take me a few weeks to get around to that.

Would really like to hear comments and suggestions.

Here is the needed SQL (mySQL only, sorry postgres folks, I am not very familiar with postgres).

CREATE TABLE `site_help` (
`site_help_type` VARCHAR( 100 ) NOT NULL ,
`site_help_roles` VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL ,
PRIMARY KEY ( `nid` ) 

Here is the module
* Implementation of hook_node_name()
function site_help_node_name($node) {
return t('site help');

* Implementation of hook_help()
function site_help_help($section) {
switch ($section) {
case 'admin/modules#description':
// This description is shown in the listing at admin/modules.
return t('Allows creation of a simple site help content infrastructure suitable for site users.');
case 'node/add#site_help':
// This description shows up when users click "create content."
return t('site help is content intended to help users understand how to use aspects of this site.');

case 'admin/help#site_help':
$output = '

The intention of Site Help is to create a simple, site help content infrastructure suitable ';
$output .= 'for site users in understanding how to use aspects of the site.

Ecommerce subscription


Using Ecommerce module, Is it possible to create products that assign users to an existing role (authenticated, publisher, etc.) ?

Paypal_subscription module provides this functionality.

All comments greatly appreciated.

Thanks, Darly


Found a blog_archivemodule that seems to be exactly what I want. When I upload it and try to activate the block I get this message

Fatal error: Call to undefined function: node_access_join_sql() in /modules/blogarchive/blog_archive.module on line 88

Any developer here that can say what's the problem?

my new module could blow away your site and this concerns me- suggestions?

I have a new module almost completed. It is an "HTML scraper". It is intended to be administered & run by admins only. I have added a permission "administer scraper", and have tested that unauthorized users cannot access its pages.

The issue is that this module permits the (admin) user to enter PHP code in a form and execute it. I had to use the PHP eval() function, since drupal_eval() would not work. So clearly this module could blow away your site if the wrong hands get access to its pages.

Problems with the instalation of Tagnode module

I follow all the steps given in README.txt, but when I go to administer -> content -> configure -> content types, and click the node type... I can't see any 'Tagnode' configuration option. Can you help me? Thanks.


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