This forum is for module development and code related questions, not general module support. For general support, use the Post installation forum.


I installed the modules about location, googlemap, googlemapsfornodes; It seem work!
But I don't know how to start it? How to use the API?

Have any information would talk it for beginner?


Fatal error: Call to undefined function: drupal_get_form() location.module

when i tried to use "search" "by location" gives error..

Fatal error: Call to undefined function: drupal_get_form() in *****/drupal/modules/location/location.module on line 99

can somebody tell me how to get rid of it...

Also can somebody tell me how can i assign/map a "page" to a "location".


Interaction between tablesort_sql and other forms

Hi! I'm trying to develop a module which allows people to view a list of users with the data from their profiles in a sortable/searchable manner. I also want people to be able to control what fields they see. My idea is to create a page that would look something like this:

Fields to display:
[X] Last name [X] First name [X] Email [ ] Phone number  [Change visible fields]

Last Name V    First Name   Email
LN1            FN3          ...
LN2            FN2          ...
LN3            FN5          ...
LN4            FN1          ...
LN5            FN4          ...

I'm not worried about searchable right yet — I'm still trying to get sortable working. It sort of works — I can use the form above to change the visible fields, but then all the sort information is lost. And if I use the links at the tops of the tables to change the sort information, the displayed fields is lost. Somehow, I need to be able to take the current display information, and insert it into the links generated by theme('table', ...). I also need to take the current sort information and save it across calls to the separate form.

Cache issue with cache disabled

Hello there,

Some of my site's users, randomly, are getting this error message:

Duplicate entry 'menu:2:en' for key 1 query: INSERT INTO cache (cid, data, created, expire, headers) VALUES ('menu:2:en', 'a:3:{s:10:\"path index\"; a:164:{s:11:\"admin/block\"; s:1:\"2\";s:16:\"admin/block/list\"; i:-2;s:21:\"admin/block/configure\"; [...]"admin/comment\ in /var/www/includes/ on line 66.

Even if cache is disabled, what doesn't make any sense for me.

Styling individual OPTIONs in SELECT boxes in forms API forms

I'm creating a module and in that module I have a page with a form on it, including a select box. The select box has several dozen options. One of them is the default option, though it may be in the middle of the list, and hence get quite lost as someone scrolls through the list. So I want to style/colour that option. e.g.

<option value='1' style='background:orange;'>blah</option>

... but this doesn't seem to be possible. In the select box I have:

Moodle integration

Could anyone to tell me how can I insert an fully working module with moodle integration?
I have tried one, but it is working only in Admin section. When I log out it doesn`t run.


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