This forum is for module development and code related questions, not general module support. For general support, use the Post installation forum.

Parsing of Modules in order to generate output

I want to know how existing modules are parsed to generate the HTML output? Thanx in advance!!

Flexinode : making image thumbnail

Hello guys,

I'm using flexinode module and found a strange thing in it. has a flexinode_make_thumbnail function which is not called anywhere.

This function must create image thumbnail but I didn't find its occurences neighter in flexinode.module nor in

Does anybody knows how to make flexinode to create and use thumbnails ?


edit secondary links is not working

I have problem with edit secondary links . When I click on edit secondary link after login browser gets not responding .Is it any setting or script is corrupted.

Custom Module Theme Functions


I am working on several custom themes. Some of them are of the "Node" variety and in most cases they render many of the same elements. Elements like the "Tabs" or the list of links under a node that include "Read More, Comments, Printer Friendly".

I have noticed on custom module I am working on, I can't get these element to render consistantly. It shows on some layouts not on others. What gives? How or where can I read about functions that render common node elements?

By the way, I am pushing a functions content out via

Troll problem

I do not reach my troll module. It gives this error:

Fatal error: Call to undefined function: drupal_get_form() in /home/cizgi/public_html/ayirimcilik/modules/troll.module on line 388

I placed the troll directory in the modules directory of your drupal installation, used the troll.mysql script to create the tables in the database, enabled this module by navigating to: administer > configuration > modules and selected the troll module settings page: administer > settings > troll but did not reached it.

What is the problem?

Add access hook to all content modules?

I was just browsing this thread ( about the difficulty of making forums only viewable by registered users. There are ways to do this with taxonomy access, but I like to use Organic Groups and the two seem to cancel each other out. Is it possible to simply add an "access forums" check mark to admin/access? Perhaps, every content module, like comments already does, could be required to have an "access" field along with the "create" and "edit" permissions most have.


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