This forum is for module development and code related questions, not general module support. For general support, use the Post installation forum.

multiple images in custom image node


I created my own image node with some custom fields more or less successfully from node_example.module and image.module. It works fine so far, but now I want to be able to not only upload one image but multiple images with the same post.

I cant really figure it out, I have 2 image forms in hook_form :

small bug in archive.module

Replace string
$years = drupal_map_assoc(range(2000, 2005));

$years = drupal_map_assoc(range(2000, 2006));

in /modules/archive.module :)


Multimedia posting to blog nodes

I am using 4.6.3 and understand that there is momentum in developing an encompassing tool to upload media files using the uploader and generate nodes for them, etc possibly in 4.7. My question is this: Does anyone know of a module or module cocktail to allow users to go to their own blog and post either pictures, audio, or video in their own blog without having to use a "video blog" a podcast blog and a text/photo blog? Can the blog node point to all these other nodes somehow? Can a person upload their video or audio file while posting the post?

Locale for anonymous user, 2nd TRY


I am currently working on a multilingual Web Site.

I would like to know if there is a way (code question) to change the interface translation for anonymous user.

I have taken a look to the locale.module code, but I can not figure how to use it to make interface changed for anonymous user. I am abble to find user browser default language or add a link that allow the user to change language, I can compare the language against locale to see if it is available and I can save his configuration in a cookie. But I am unable to change interface translation !

Diff module with 4.7?

does anyone know if the diff module is compatible with Drupal 4.7? It is in HEAD, but I can't find any mention of whether it is or isn't supposed to work with 4.7. I've got it installed with 4.7b2, but I get a blank screen anytime I try to get a diff.

Does anyone have this working?


Overhead for multiple PHP source files?

While reading through the Drupal docs I remember it mentioned somewhere that having multiple PHP files added overhead that can be reduced if all the code is merged back into one file. I am currently developing a module and to make everything manageable I have the source in about 11 different files which I am include_onceing into the main .module file.


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