I'm getting crazy in tagging my css module from head to 4.6 .
when I issue the command "cvs tag -b -F DRUPAL-4-6 css.module".
I get "cvs tag: css.module: Not moving branch tag `DRUPAL-4-6' from 1.1 to"
the same using "cvs tag -b DRUPAL-4-6 css.module"
As all of you surely know when create a 'story' node you have the possibility to "link" a story to your own categories.
Is it possible to do the same with flexinode, and if not there is a patch or some acks to resolve this (mine) big problem?
warning: call_user_func_array(): First argumented is expected to be a valid callback, 'node_page' was given in /home/egjug2/public_html/includes/menu.inc on line 354.
in my drupal, i got this error!!
check it egjug.org
when i open another link like admin it work but the menus and blocks disappear.