This forum is for module development and code related questions, not general module support. For general support, use the Post installation forum.

i18n and phptemplate

Clean URLS, i18n-module and phptemplate

I was having some troubles configuring my frontpage as I liked. After messing around with the $page==0 and $is_front Variables in phptemplate and testing several php-Hacks directly in the page.tpl.php file I found a solution to get phptemplate's $is_front Variable running correctly:

phptemplate.engine, lines 79 and 80 read as follows:

Module for uncommentable nodes

Hi everybody!

Is there a way to create a module which define a new node type
which can not be commented?
(comment disabled by default)



Convert comments to nodes

There has been sporadic discussion about the possibility of converting comments (and their dependent threads) to new nodes, eg:

Is anything happening? It would be very helpful to have this functionality - in fact for me it's becoming a critical need. Does some sort of incentive need to be offered?

TinyMCE want to disable for trackback textarea

How do I disable TinyMCE for the trackback textarea? I tried putting the textarea name in the case statements but evidently, I am not coming up with the right name.

Field set and accessing return variable (newbie que)


I have a form in my module which includes the following segment:

 $form['evalform']= array(
   '#type' => 'fieldset',
   '#title' => t('Evaluation fields:'),
   '#tree' => TRUE,
   '#collapsible' => TRUE,
  $form['evalform']['principles_rating'] = array(
    '#type' => 'radios',
    '#title' => t('Principles rating'),
    '#default_value' =>   $node->principles_rating,
    '#options' => $ratingbuttons,
    '#description' => t('Principles rating description'),

when it comes time to insert I user var_dump($node) to check the values and things are fine except that
there is level issue which I just don't understand yet. What I mean is that 'principles_rating' cannot be accessed via $node->principles_rating because its inside an array called 'evalform'. The var_dump gives:

object(stdClass)(23) { ["nid"]=> int(20) ["vid"]=> int(20) ["uid"]=> string(1) "1" ["created"]=> int(1137046448) ["changed"]=> int(1137046448) ["type"]=> string(21) "fhsstadmin-evaluation" ["evalcontentdiv"]=> array(1) { ["pagecontent"]=> string(0) "" } ["evalform"]=> array(5) { ["principles_rating"]=> string(1) "2" ... ["validated"]=> bool(true) ["is_new"]=> bool(true) }

How do I actually access the value in my insert fucntion, i.e. what do I need to change in:

db_query("INSERT INTO {fhsstadmin}_mediation (nid,

nodeapi_example in HEAD isn't 4.7 compatible is it?


I am trying to implement exactly this idea of extending an existing node:

but on 4.7.0-beta3. For some reason (my lack of understand ;) I cannot get the values back to store in my database.
I post a question about my code in before discovering the example above.


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