This forum is for module development and code related questions, not general module support. For general support, use the Post installation forum.

OCM system for KM at schools

Could i get some assistance on getting an OCM system developed for knowledge management at schools as soon as possible? i would like to know what the systems features would be and what it would feature to be effective at school level...

GameAPI: Updates and Map Making

Note: The GameAPI is an effort to implement browser-based games, primarily RPGs, in Drupal. Read the original design document or check out the official forums. The following post has been crossposted there as well.

So, Er, How's It Going?

The first three bullets of the original proposal were:

  • All game data stored in external files.
  • The default game data files are multi-genre.
  • A gamesapi is created, much like the nodeapi.

And the framework is in place. It's not much of a framework, but is certainly past the realm of "proof of concept" and into the territory of "welp, it works". In the coming months, it'll be edging ever close to "aah, this is why he wanted it this way." And, naturally, there are docs and examples in the CVS. It all works too.

The next stage is centered around character creation, and I had hoped to finish that mini-milestone this month. However, after numerous false starts with multiple page forms (to allow race selection to determine what actual classes are available, for instance) and a desire for "characters should be nodes", only recently, per chx's example, do I feel confident about getting it Right. I'll be working on that approach shortly.

DivX Browser Plug-In -download

a Plug-In for who is interested vith video.module or video oriented Drupal site

"The DivX Browser Plug-In lets you embed high quality DivX video in your web pages without using special streaming servers or installing any server-side software. Video plays live inside the browser or full-screen!"

module with user input via a form as an example...

Hello everybody,

as a newbie to drupal I'd like to integrate a small script of mine into a drupal installation as a custom module.

My very simple script takes some input from user, does some string manipulation to that input and then shows the result into the same page. My script works nice and well as a "standalone" php script but I have no idea how to 'transform' it to a custom drupal module.

Accessing session from outside script

Hi, I've been searching a lot of posts in this forum. It seems that lot of people having the same difficulties to access drupal session from outside script.

What I would like to do is to integrate the session from drupal into other script, so user don't need to login to enter that script.

Isn't there any official way to do this? to share session?

I found this is difficult, since drupal stores all session data into database, which is good for security though.

Create php page

Lets consider on php from which accept event_title and event_description . I want insert this data in my database. But to insert data I have to submit form. Now I have problem that how to submit form and specify action when I created page.


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