Note: The GameAPI is an effort to implement browser-based games, primarily RPGs, in Drupal. Read the original design document or check out the official forums. The following post has been crossposted there as well.
So, Er, How's It Going?
The first three bullets of the original proposal were:
- All game data stored in external files.
- The default game data files are multi-genre.
- A gamesapi is created, much like the nodeapi.
And the framework is in place. It's not much of a framework, but is certainly past the realm of "proof of concept" and into the territory of "welp, it works". In the coming months, it'll be edging ever close to "aah, this is why he wanted it this way." And, naturally, there are docs and examples in the CVS. It all works too.
The next stage is centered around character creation, and I had hoped to finish that mini-milestone this month. However, after numerous false starts with multiple page forms (to allow race selection to determine what actual classes are available, for instance) and a desire for "characters should be nodes", only recently, per chx's example, do I feel confident about getting it Right. I'll be working on that approach shortly.