This forum is for module development and code related questions, not general module support. For general support, use the Post installation forum.

Comment System ToS Page

A big part of a new site I'm working on will be comments from unregistered users. Upon pressing the submit button for a comment (after they've previewed their comment), I want to send users to a page that gives them a few points to consider before going completely through with their post. Basically it would just be a mini terms of service page that outlines what comments should and should not be and then they can choose to agree or not.

Ideally, the viewing of this page would be cached if they agreed to the terms so they wouldn't have to see the page again (until they cleared their cookies / changed computers). This is not meant as any kind of spambot protection, just a warning for rational people before they make their post. It would be nice if they could optionally go back and modify their post (Agree, Agree & Modify Post, Disagree). I want the warning so people aren't completely stupefied if they are IP banned.

I actually came across this idea on a blog I read frequently: If you see a post there that interests you and you want to comment, do so and see what I'm talking about. However, don't just make some random post to see what it is I'm referring to (though you could make the post, hit submit, view the page, and hit cancel; I suppose).

Does this seem like something easy to incorporate into the Drupal comment system? More specifically, 4.6.5 and the upcoming 4.7 versions. If so, is anybody up for a making a patch that would work or a module?

Drupal insists on loading some ancient version of node? This is weird.


I'm not even sure how to explain this as it seems completely random, but out of my sheer frustration, I beseech the wisdom of this community.

What I've got is a few modules that I've built -- nothing major, just different types of content that I wanted to have complete control over. One of these modules has suddenly stopped working and, moreover, appears to return errors that it could only generate if it were the version I created originally months ago.

Page Module

I've heard there is a page module which gives functionality for creating a different template for internal pages that could have different placeholders and layout of pictures than the front page.

I don't find that module in the download area.

anyone know where I can get the page module?


raw content module?

How do I define a type of content that is displayed 'raw'?

Basically I have several logical 'areas' in the site where I want to display content as 'raw' html, without the right-hand sidebar.
Do I need to create a new module to handle this?
It seems like I can in theory hack the page.tpl.php file but I don't know how I would recognize the type of content to 'switch' on. How can I tell in the page.tpl.php context whether the content type being displayed is of the 'raw' 'type'?

I'm having some difficulty wrapping my head around templates, modules and content.

eventfinder errors

Hi all,

I have been battling with the eventfinder module for the last couple of days... I seem to get a number of errors when I access administer->settings->eventfinder:

Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in C:\Program Files\xampp\htdocs\drupal\includes\ on line 1260.

Table 'mydatabase.contact_manager_sources' doesn't exist query: SELECT csid, name FROM contact_manager_sources ORDER BY weight in C:\Program Files\xampp\htdocs\drupal\includes\ on line 66.

A problem with CVS - I would like to contribute a translation

I am making much use of trip_search and would like to contribute a French and Spanish translation for the module. However when I try to do a "CVS add" of the PO file for French (first effort: I'm using Tortoise CVS), I get the following message: "cvs add: cannot add file on non-branch tag `DRUPAL-4-6'". Can somebody explain to me why this is happening and what I am doing (or not doing) wrong?


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