This forum is for module development and code related questions, not general module support. For general support, use the Post installation forum.

Passing a cookie from one domain to another


I writing a module to allow Drupal to interact with an ASP I use for advocacy campaigns (where individuals send emails to elected officials). The ASP authenticates users via an HTTP POST and returns a cookie, allowing users to browse to any advocacy page and have the fields prepopulated (name, address, etc).

Which hooks are called by module name and which are called by node name?

What I want to know is this.

Which hooks are called by module name and which are called by node name?

By which I mean, if I define multiple node types within a module using hook_node_info(), e.g

function theatre_node_info() {
  return array('show' => array('name' => t('show'), 'base' => 'show'),
    'venue' => array('name' => t('venue'), 'base' => 'venue'));

but the module is called theatre.module.

Tweaking the e-commerce administrative panel

I was trying to add a payment order payment method to the e-commerce API but I can't find documentation explaining how to display information to a store administrator. Is there perhapse a hook that can be used? I'm interested in adding the information to the table at admin/store/search and store/transaction/edit/#.

Thanks for the help,


Gallery module problem

I am using drupal 4.7.0 beta3, gallery 2.0.2 and gallery 4.6.0 module for drupal.

The Gallery works fine, but when I activate the module and I go to administer -> settings -> gallery, I receive the following error:

Fatal error: Call to undefined function: form_textfield() in /home/www/cartoon/public_html/modules/gallery/gallery.module on line 36

Does anyone know how I can fix that?

Image Module: Thumbnail creation based on node type


I'm needing a module (or preferably a patch to the image module) that augments the automatic thumnail creation to allow for multiple classes of thumbnails (based on node type). I haven't posted here much and I'm not quite sure what the protocol for patch submission is... As long as I'm not reinventing the wheel I plan to make this patch and submit it back here.

More specs:

gsitemap error

I added gsitemap module and activated it. Permissions are done for all but if i add this to my google account it won't be found. Google means 'Sitemap not found'

What is wrong with it? Any ideas?

with kind regards, holger

my drupal 4.7.x experience


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