Still on Drupal 7? Security support for Drupal 7 ended on 5 January 2025. Please visit our Drupal 7 End of Life resources page to review all of your options.
Hi i would be greatfull if anybody knows how i can make my individual users have their own blog title, at the moment the main blog title is consistan throughout everybodies blogs..., this is like one of the main and utmost important features of a blog, I'd be so greatfull if anybody can help me here...,
I'm very very new to drupal, but I guess I might become a fan. Keep up the good work. I've installed some modules to try them out and that all went rather smoothly, but I don't seem to manage to install the event module.
After installing, I can enable the module, but I only get a blank page if I try to access its settings. I've just read a bit about how modules work, but I don't know if (or how) it is possible to debug when something does not work.
Any help and tips are appreciated.
Thank you,
My head is spinning trying to read up on all the relationship modules in Drupal. Their is tagnode, CCK coming, relationships.module, category module, relativity module (which seems to be deprecated) and more.
I've been reading forum posts and documentation for a while trying to figure out how to approach the problem of creating a module that will authenticate users based on the result of a HTTP POST request. Can anyone point me towards a module that implements this functionality or give me a quick walk through of how things should work both on the Drupal and the remote site? I can write the code, I just don't know what I should be writing!