This forum is for module development and code related questions, not general module support. For general support, use the Post installation forum.

Customizing comments

I posted this question on another topic called Customizing Comments but the thread die. I wonder if someone can help me.

I am trying to create a module that will allow the user to vote on a node and comment on that vote in the comment section. I have two questions.

First, how do I get the node id number while in the comment section? There is great documentation on the variables available through phptemplate in $node. Unfortunately there is not the same for comments.

Query problems: like or = in UTF8???

Hi everybody,

after upgrading my development install from 4.7b3 to 4.7b4
I'm facing some strange mysql behaviour...

this query does not return any result:
SELECT n.nid, n.created FROM node n WHERE n.type = 'story' AND n.status = 1 ORDER BY n.created DESC;

instead this one works and return latests nodes of type story:
SELECT n.nid, n.created FROM node n WHERE n.type like 'story' AND n.status = 1 ORDER BY n.created DESC;

The only differece between the two are n.type = 'story' in the first and n.type like 'story' in the second.

Virus detection for Flexinode file upload

I was thinking about setting up a flexinode with file-upload capability for the general public.
Then I thought about the posibility of someone uploading an infected file.
Are there any solutions that address this?

Tutorial for modulebuilding??

Is there no good soul who have written a good tutorial for making your own modules? I have read the Drupal handbook but there was too little information, it didn't give me enough. And I have found a lot of information needed for modulemaking on this site, but all is kind of taken out of its context.

And then I tried flexinode.module and that was very good, but can not fullfill my needs since there was no way to use taxonomy in it.

Aggregator fails to fetch livejournal feeds

I use Aggregator2 to syndicate all the known Googlers' Blogs on my site. For livejournal feeds I get only parse errors. E.g. for :
"Failed to parse RSS feed Dave Barr's Journal: syntax error at line 1."
Can it be that Drupal aggregator does not comply with the livejournal bot policy and uses malformed user-agent string?

gallery modual for 4.7?

Is there a beta or cvs version of the gallery modual that works with 4.7?



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