This forum is for module development and code related questions, not general module support. For general support, use the Post installation forum.

4.7 rss aggregator error


I have activated the aggregator like the description on and set all the permissions. Than i wantet to display the drupal feed vut there are no results displayed after running cron. This Message comes in administer:

SIMPLE HTML style on some sites and a teaser question

I have two promblems.

On my site there is a place where Idon't want that the nodes have Author/date/taxonomy/link... Only title and Body. I modified the theme, but in this will affect the news menu too(where is a need for uthor/date/taxonomy/link... )

How would you solve this?

Using location module to narrow a category view in a taxonomy?

Has anyone written code to narrow the results displayed by browsing through the taxonomy’s category using the location module? For example:

User provides a zip code and proximity
The user navigates the taxonomy of categories and results are shown that match their zip and proximity preference

The user provided zip and proximity must be used, not the profile information as anonymous users must be able to browse. If anyone has a suggestion, I appreciate the help.

Quotation support for online shopping

Hi, there,

I'm new to Drupal, however I decided to use it for my business website.

I'd like to develop/use a quotation module for online shopping. I wondered if anyone had done this before or already been working on it. I feel it should have some link with the e-commerce module, as at least the payment module will be used.

The requirements and the functions are,

- There is a quotation request page based on a form.
-- This page will be controlled by a user login and then the request is assigned to this user.
-- Q: any way to allow the adminstrator, instead of the developer(like me), to design the contents of such page?
-- This form should allow the user to upload his/her design files.

- The requst information will be presented to the adminsitrator, and administrator fills a quotation form which replys to the request user.
-- A unique quotation number will be assigned automatically. This number should contain encrypted digits so that 1) an error can be detect when there is a typo 2) provent one user from probing another user's quotation.
-- Q: any way to allow the adminstrator, instead of the developer, to design the contents of such a page?
-- When the quotation is created, an email will be sent to the request user automatically.
-- The quotation will be place in a quotation product database (table) for a specific period.

- The quotation can be purchased by any one, even a non-login user, with the quotation number. This helps the purchase by a large organization who has a rigid procedure for ordering.

form api: extend "save configuration" and "reset to defaults"

I'm using Drupal 4.7 Form API and want to add some extra code to "Save configuration"
and "Reset to defaults" on settings page? Is it possible to extend the default functions?
What I want for "reset" is a call to DB that removes all according variables instead of
only reset the forms on settings page. And on "save" I want to modify some variables
depending on the user input.

Does TinyMCE WYSIWYG Editor work with TinyMCE 2.0.2?

I plan to install TinyMCE WYSIWYG Editor. The installation instructions suggest using TinyMCE 1.44, but I noticed TinyMCE 2.0.2 is available.

Will TinyMCE WYSIWYG Editor work with TinyMCE 2.0.2?


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