This forum is for module development and code related questions, not general module support. For general support, use the Post installation forum.

adSense & PHP Template

i use the PHP Template witch method is the best for implement the adSense Module ? add a php block ?


Flexinode - a field_select issue

I'm trying to use the field select that comes with the contrib folder in flexinode.

I'm trying to edit my own node-flexinode-x.tpl.php, and I'm trying to fetch all sorts of fields, using $node->flexinode_y (where y is the field ID).
For the most part it works fine. But with the select field, I only get the option number, and not the text.

For example, say I defined a select field (lets say, with field ID 7) with the options:

I'm looking for module that make possible vote on users profiles.

I'm looking for module that make possible vote on users profiles. Is there anyting like that? Thanx for answers.


Whitelist Module

This idea came to me after finding out no similar functionality exists in Drupal. I'm not a PHP programmer, so I'm asking for somebody's help in the creation of this module; more accurately, I'm asking for somebody to make it since I am not able to. Any help would be much appreciated.

Here's the rundown:
 - Used to restrict a Drupal site to specific IP addresses.
 - Can either: (ideally both options would exist and you would select which you want to use)
    1. Block those not on the whitelist from viewing the site at all. Those not on the whitelist are redirected.
    2. Check the user's IP when they attempt to login. If the IP's not on the whitelist, they can't login.
 - Accepts individual IPs or IP ranges.
 - IPs are not associated with specific user accounts as users may access from multiple locations and need two or more entries accordingly.

Basically it's like an opposite of the ban list in troll as far as concept goes. Maybe this could even tie into troll if the author would be interested in adding such a feature. Note that, no matter what, users would be allowed to login; the whitelist is just one step in their authentication process. Module

Anyone know of any good drupal sites using the Associate Tools module? Im thinking about creating a site with this but wanted to see it in action first, the screenshots from the module page are good, but id like to see more. Thanks.

How to create a menu block in a module


I want create in my module, a block that contain a menu like the menu in the navigation block. I tried to implement the hook_menu(). The problem is that only create menu item in the user's navigation block.

Does anyone tried to do something like this ?


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