This forum is for module development and code related questions, not general module support. For general support, use the Post installation forum.

email address filter - spam protection


I was searching through the forums to find a way to hide the email address from being displayed from posts. But it should create a link to a kind of contact form which will send the mail to the hidden email id.

I found a very interesting discussion here

But there doesnt seem to be a solution yet. Has anyone found a method to filter out email ids from being displayed ?

Any help is appreciated.



menu visibility - only for authorized users - ?


How does one make menus or menu items visible only to authorized users? I've created a new custom block, have made that visible only to authorized users, and can't figure out what to do about the menus. Feel like we're even barking up the wrong tree here, missing something simple and obvious.


ecommerce module: productapi to make new product node type

I have a new node type that I want to make purchasable using the ecommerce module. I gather that I need to implement hook_productapi in my node type module. I wish to have each node priced the same (say $5). How can I do this as simply as possible? I would imagine I would not need much of the functionality. E.g. I would not need to populate the ec_product table?

Drupal Node for evry CIVICRM Contact


I would like to developp a link between Drupal and CiviCRM. Each time there
is a civiCRM contact created/updated, i would like to create/update a drupal
node. I am a bit new with civiCRM and Drupal, but i want to challenge this.
Please any help how to implement this. Which module, file or function should
i consider to look at first ? Any idea of a plan ?

Thank you for your shared ideas.


How to use pager_query with an array parameter ?


I made a block which is an form with 2 fields. When i submit this block form, i expect to list the results of the query in a paged table. But it fails on the second pasge, because the url variable is an array. How to solve that with Drupal ? Help is very much welcome. Thank's in adavnce .

Here is an simplification of my code.

function af_block($op='search', $delta=0) {
$form = form_textfield(t('City'), 'city, '', 15, 100);
$form .= form_textfield(t('PostCode'), 'cp', '', 5, 5);
$form .= form_submit(t('Search'));
$content .= form($form, 'post', url('af/search'));
$block["content"] = $content;
return $block;

function af_menu($may_cache) {
$items = array();
$items[] = array('path' => 'af/search',
'title' => t('Recherche Fleuristes'),
'access' => 'access content',
'callback' => 'af_list',
'type' => MENU_CALLBACK);
return $items;

function af_list() {
$edit = $_POST['edit']; // $edit is = NULL in the second page
$header = array(array('data' => t('Name'), 'field' => 'organization_name'),
array('data' => t('Adress'), 'field' => 'street_address'),
array('data' => t('City'), 'field' => 'city'));

$params = array("postal_code" => $edit['cp']);

// Simplification with only on query

Dadabik into Drupal?

Hello there,

is it possible to somehow insert Dadabik into Drupal?

I have a large (1,000 and growing) dadabik-searchable pair of My SQL tables, and I need them to be operable within the framework of a Drupal page. I suppose I could just have a link to the Dadabik tables - but I need the password-protection infrastructure of the Drupal website.

What should I do? Can information about this be found in the manual somewhere?

Thank you!


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