This forum is for module development and code related questions, not general module support. For general support, use the Post installation forum.

Want to align title and textbox control in the same row?

While drawing the select box we are facing the following problem:-
In first line the title of the select box comes.
There after in the second line the display of select box comes.
Now what we want that the title & the display of the select box should come on the same line.

Want to align title and textbox control in the same row?

Setting the default value problem has been solved.
Next Problem
While drawing the select box we are facing the following problem:-
In first line the title of the select box comes.
There after in the second line the display of select box comes.
Now what we want that the title & the display of the select box should come on the same line.

$op not showing up in post

I'm working on a system of forms, and I'd like to use the $op (from the submit buttons) to check my stages of progression, but they don't seem to be coming through in $_POST. Does anyone have any insight as to why?

you know what? i hate drupal's forum so much because

it can't upload/attache images in a post.

Most popular modules downloaded in October

This list of modules is being posted to help in developing top level categories for Drupal modules

/files/projects/image-4.6.0.tar.gz --> 3695 downloads/month
/files/projects/flexinode-4.6.0.tar.gz --> 2522 downloads/month
/files/projects/event-4.6.0.tar.gz --> 2263 downloads/month
/files/projects/filemanager-4.6.0.tar.gz --> 1654 downloads/month
/files/projects/taxonomy_access-4.6.0.tar.gz --> 1160 downloads/month

Making use of Taxonomy within CiviCRM

I'm currently going down the path of utilizing a Drupal Vocabulary with CiviCRM Contacts. I will be working to give an CRM Individual an "Interest Area". The Interest Area is hierarchical, so the plan is to build the Vocabulary in Drupal and then modify CiviCRM to allow access to the Vocabulary.

The last couple of days I've been looking through the Drupal API docs and have a few questions about how I should proceed.


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