This forum is for module development and code related questions, not general module support. For general support, use the Post installation forum.

RSS to Drupal Post

I know that with the drupal API you can have external programs publish posts to your site. Is there a program that takes each RSS post, and posts it into your drupal site. For instance, Feedburner republishes RSS as html, can I get each individual RSS post as a new post in my Drupal Site

Add nofollow tag to printer-friendly URLs

I've searched for a solution, but come up empty. I'm concerned about a Google penalty for duplicate content because of the Printer Friendly pages the Print module generates. Is there a simple way to hack the 4.6 version to include a 'nofollow' tag in the URL? I gather this has been done for 4.7. Alternately, will the 4.7 version work on a 4.6 install?

Thanks a million!

Fatal error: Cannot use string offset as an array


I'm using the cvs version of drupal.
I downloaded the cvs version img_assist module as well as the cvs version formupdater module and I have an error in the file system.module.

Here the error:

Fatal error: Cannot uses string offset have year array in/home/valerie/public_html/drupal4/modules/system.module one line 734.

With this code:

AJAX in place editing inside Forum module?

Is there anyone working on this kind of forum function?
I'm just curious.. (Sorry if I'm posting this in the wrong section)

Best regards


Ldap Module

Hello all,

Data from another database?

I`ve got problems with connecting via my own module with other than core database of drupal? When I connect with that database (other than core) I`ve got problems with getting back to core database of drupal.

Have anybody any solution for that problem?



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