This forum is for module development and code related questions, not general module support. For general support, use the Post installation forum.

check_output not doing anything

Can someone help me debug a module I'm writing? The check_output() calls in the function that formats the output (starting on line 263) doesn't seem to be doing anything. I don't get urls autoconverted or linebreaks, just plain text.

Thanks a bunch.

What is a module and how do you make one?

What is a module and how do you make one?

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Drupal modules now have an install hook.

At the ad-hoc code sprint in Vancouver a few days ago, Dries committed a patch which adds an _install hook to drupal modules.
This is a significant improvement over the current system, as (apart from installing drupal core) you will no longer need to go to the shell,
or phpmyadmin to install a module scheme. This means that modules can now create their own database tables when they are initialised for the first time.
To avoid all this from being loaded all the time , you create a mymodule.install file in your module directory, which

flexinode image issue - low level discussion

I'm very new to Drupal, and mojo behind it is very interesting. Looking forward to unleashing its awesome powers soon.

My question is regarding, specifically, Flexinode and Images. Has anyone out there gotten it to work on 4.7? I've tagged a few discussion points onto the forum topic at but am not sure that its getting read.

Java script in My Module

I've got a Drupal module that creates nodes. In my node_form hook I have several form fields that are returned. For several reasons I need to access those fields on the fly in javascript ... here's the problem.

Drupal creates form fields like this

<form action="/node/add/song" method="post" name="frmSongForm" enctype="multipart/form-data" id="node-form">

<input type="text" maxlength="64" class="form-text required" name="edit[firstname]" id="edit-firstname" size="40" value="The Yellow Dart" />


This is nice and makes my life easier on the php side, but it makes things a big problem when I try to get a handle on the field in javascript! For instance I try the following:

firstname = document . frmSongForm . edit[firstname] . value;

And javascript says 'undefined!'. I have looked high and low for a way to get a grasp on these form fields using javascript and nobody seems to have a solution. Am I missing something obvious here? Or is this truly impossible.

PS: Yes, If I make up my own form field I can access it just fine. However, this is nasty and a hack. For instance, the following code works just fine (NOTE: The name of the field!):


/?q=username , is this possible?

Hi all,

I'm developing a module where each member has their own page, and would like members to be able to access there own pages and other peoples pages via - or

(a member's page isn't private anyone can access it)


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