This forum is for module development and code related questions, not general module support. For general support, use the Post installation forum.

Cron jobs

Ok so in my news aggregator, I want to update every hour or so. Every time it comes to the time, the timer stays at 0. I've tries poormanscron, cronplus, but it still won't update automatically. Any ideas??
Is there actually a "crontab" module?


Blocking adsense for specific IPs

Hi, just wondering if anyone can help me block specific IPs from seeing Adsense displayed by the Drupal Adsense module?

I've tried asking in the Drupal Adsense Module project page a couple of times, but unfortunately the creator of this great module does not wish to add this feature.

As I am not a programmer I cannot create this feature myself, so thought I'd see if anyone here might be able to help?

The Adsense Module project page is here.

Image Module - ( )?

Ok, I have a really simple question to ask.

Would there be a way to use a sort of way to open the full size image into a new window.

This is what I have at the moment.

Bad behaviour from the developpers ?

What do you think ...

I'm a user of that smiletag block and i'm very disapointed if it is not supported anymore ...

TonyMCE trouble

Please Help me!
I use WYSIWYG TinyMCE with my drupal. It's great but there is one big problem:
in some case TinyMCE changes my HTML in some way (different ways), like:
- sometimes it removes 'style' and 'class' properties from my ' - tag like '' (targets) it changes to '' - but explorer and firefox work with this very ugly
- so on...

gallery.module for Gallery 2.1?

Is there a gallery.module that works with the new Gallery 2.1 release?

I installed the G2.1 Integration Code ( but images in the random block on Drupal are broken, with an URL pointing to the wrong directory. Anyone else having this problem or know the fix?



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