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External Quotation Module for Drupal Ecommerce Package

I'm going to do this, comments are welcome. I also have a quotation module proposal on its way.

External Quotation Module for Drupal Ecommerce Package


- Ease the purchase for large organizations like a university;


- In the normal cart, a registered user can generate an external quote instead of a real purchase, and external quote terms are displayed;
- An external quote can be purchased without need for user registration; FIXME: any security problem? What does the law say?
- In the order status/tracking page, user can: enquiry external quote status, remove an external quote if not being purchased and not expired;
- External quote is kept in the order status/tracking page as the way a normal order does;
- External quote is valid for a limited time (as it holds the stock) either specified by the administrator or any shorter product/service expire date.
- The status of the external quote is emailed to its requester automatically, including a purchase reminder several days before expire;
- External quote is identified by a unique number which is separated enough or coded to proof typo and malicious probing;
- Requester information is filled out by default at the check out page

- A database table for the external quotes with the fields: external quote number, internal order number, expire date, status; FIXME: I guess there should be an order table from the ecommerce module for normal order information including the buyer information???

Form API Help: Checkboxes


I'm working on an action to send an email to everyone in a role group (e.g. "Send an email to editors when new content is in the draft state").

I need to set up a check box of roles. Here is the code:

$roles = user_roles();
$form['recipients'] = array(
        '#type' => 'checkboxes', 
        '#title' => t('Recipient Role Groups'), 
        '#options' => $roles,
        '#description' => t('Select which roles should receive this email.'),

The creates an #options field with the form:

array( rid1 => 'role name 1', rid2 => 'role name 2' ...)

This works well at first, and I can properly save the form, but if I return to the edit screen later, the form isn't properly populated because I have an $edit array that looks like:

[recipients] => Array ( [3] => 3 [1] => 0 [2] => 0 [4] => 0 [5] => 0 [6] => 0 )

All the other fields (subject, message body, etc) are nicely filled in. I suspect this is because the options I supply in the code, don't match the options in the $edit array.

Any thoughts on how I can get these to mesh?


Filter and cache

Hi. I've been reading about the hook_filter and the ability to cache data. I noticed that in the database, the raw, unfiltered text is stored. I'm assuming the filter fires each time the node loads, unless the filtered text is in the cache. I have caching enabled in settings, but I understand that caching really only applies to anonymous users. Does filter caching work the same way? Is there a way to check to see if the logged in users are getting the cached versions of the filter output? I want my logged in users to get the cached versions since it is much faster. Thanks.

per role form input and form workflow

Hello ,

I need to create forms with per form, item role access and workflow.
User 1 fills a textfield, workflow changes states, user 2 come to fills a textarea, but textfield is disabled etc...
I think i gonna use formproc, workflow and flexinode modules, but any help would be appreciated.

getting content of a form element

Newbie here, as learning process, i'm creating a module that collect data from the user then insert them into the db, but i can't figure out how to get the content of the form varible . This is the function that displays the form to the user

order that hooks fire in drupal 4.7

i have gone to :

but those hooks are in alphabetical order...

What order are they called in drupal?

I've made a custom node form. I modified the forum node form with hook_form alter and that has gone well. In which hook do i put the code to save the data to db?


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