This forum is for module development and code related questions, not general module support. For general support, use the Post installation forum.

form_set_error on checkboxes does nothing?

My code is correctly tagging the error to the correct checkbox:

<label class="option"><input type="checkbox" class="form-checkbox error" name="edit[sort2]" id="edit-sort2" value="1" /> Allow sorting on column 2?</label>

UIEForum Module - A replacement for the built in drupal module

UIEForum is a complete forum system, that is intended to replace the existing drupal forum module.
Due to it's separate database design, it can co-exist quite happily with the default drupal forum, however it is recommended that only one be enabled at a time.

This module's design is not based around the drupal node-system. It uses it's own tables for storing forum data. There is a possibility that this will change at some stage, but for now it's the easiest, and most logical method to proceed.

UIEForum was originally developed as a 'homebrew', standalone forum for - and has since been ported over to suit drupal's code structure and rules, as the site is due to move to the drupal system in the coming months. This is still a work in progress, so I fully expect there to be various bugs, however alot of work has gone into the development of the original system, and now the drupal port, so here's hoping that it's not too buggy.

The module allows for the use of groups (roles) to provide security on specific forums, and as such, can be a suitable replacement for users that are currently debating moving from a VBB (or similar) environment.
At the moment, a fixed list of smilies are available, but this will be moved to a database list soon(ish).
Development of this module is ongoing, so be sure to check back frequently.

error module-album image_invalidate


In I module album leave following the error to me when I create a album:

warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/susemani/public_html/modules/album/album.module on line 94.
warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/susemani/public_html/includes/ in /home/susemani/public_html/includes/ on line 192.

And when attempt to put photos, when puncturing to raise the following error:

Displaying Blocks within pages created via a URL from a Hook_menu Callback function

I am using a call back function from Hook_menu by associating a URL and the callback function.

When I then go to the URL the page displays the content provided by the callback function correctly but it doesn't display any of the blocks that I have configured for viewing. These blocks however do display on all node pages.

I have reviewed this with other modules like image.module and directory.module and the same thing happens, e.g. if you go to one of the url's defined by the module any configured blocks are not displayed.

Best choice for CR LF output for HTML?

Finishing up on a simple-syntax text filter module, something resembling a Textile subset, which seems to be coming together nicely despite my lack of experience with PHP and REGEX and...

One approach a filter I studied took, which I adopted, was to convert all of the \r\n and \n\r and \n characters sent to the filter by the user text area to \r characters, and explode()ing the text into paragraphs on each \r\r.

Event Module- modules enable problem

I am having trouble with the Event Module. I have installed Flexinode , enabled it and it seems to be fine. I installed the Event module according to instructions(the mysql db checks out fine). In Drupal when I click on Admin-Modules to enable it i get only a blank page, no list of modules to enable or config. If I remove the Events folder from the Modules folder every thing is fine. I downloaded and used the Event 4.6.0 tar file and used that.


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