This forum is for module development and code related questions, not general module support. For general support, use the Post installation forum.

XML-RPC Service will not register

I've been trying for hours to have a module define a custom XML-RPC service, but keep getting Unknown method from my client. I followed the documentation on drupaldocs and used the blogapi module as a guide, but still no luck. Any ideas? Thanks.

Can't make the inline filter work with flexinodes

Hi all,
I have a problem with Drupal 4.5 and the inline and flefinode modules.

taxonomy_dhtml Only Showing First Level of Taxonomy

I've installed and enabled the taxonomy_dhtml module but only see the first level of items in my site taxonomy. Have a look:

The technology term, for example, has a number of sub-terms under it. But I am not presented with the option of expanding the technology term on the taxonomy_dhtml page to see those items.

I'm probably missing something really obvious here, any ideas?


P.S. My install is Drupal 4.6.3

Cant open the thumbnail of gallery2

i embeded the gallery2 in the drupal and i was able to see theumbnail image in drupal but when i m cliking on it is taking me to this page

mp3 collection module

Hello everyone.

I've been using jinzora( at home for my mp3 managing and consumption needs and some of it's quirks almost have me wanting to get rid of it.

it seems that drupal would make an excellent foundation on which to build something similair on and a quick search of the modules around here confirm that some wor has been done from specializing flexinode to a creating a module for this purpose. However, it doesn't have all the features that I like in jinzora. So, I'm wondering whether there is development going on in this area that I could use/contribute to, or just go it alone and write my own.

Here's the features I want/need(not necessarily complete).

1: configure a list of directories on the server containing mp3s
2: Periodically read id3 information from mp3s contained in the directory list and populate the database or remove database entries that no longer exist on the disk(jinzora does not do this).
3: List of artists, albums,songs
4: artist view showing all albums and a bit of information about the artist (play all albums, order by year released if available)
5: album view listing songs in order by sequence play album, play individual songs must work properly on albums with various artists as well(something jinzora does not do)
6: song view showing all id3 tag information available option to play
7: playlist creation, playlists saved/shared etc...

hook_view/format problem

I'm developing a simple art node module. Everything works except displaying node spesific art info from the art table. Help!


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