This forum is for module development and code related questions, not general module support. For general support, use the Post installation forum.

Form with get and url

When I post a form, with a get method, in the url I have a problem with [ and ] chars. For example, if I post a value called "name", made with drupal api (4.7), the name in the form is edit[name], but when I post it with a get, in the url the variable is: edit%5Bname%5D=value and I have problem to retrive the value (in the form I lost the value). I use Drupal 4.7
How I can retrive the values of this form variable?


Testers needed for ExplorerDestroyer module

Google started paying a $1 per referral to get people to download firefox and the friendly folks at created some javascripts to that detect the browser and display a friendly message encouraging the user to download firefox if the user's browser is ie. I packaged this up in a quick drupal module so that if you want to use these scripts with drupals you just need to download the module and add a couple lines to any phptemplate theme.

all in one node module vs. multiple node modules


I recently switched from developing outside of the drupal core to using the builtin node structure. My question is whether I am better off developing multiple node modules to handle the functionality that I'm looking for, or include it all in one module. I believe that I am better off having a different node module to handle the collection of nodes.

private file attachments displayed in teaser

Here is my current setup:
1. flexinode.module is used so I can display the attachments in the teaser (rather than viewing the full node for the link)
2. simple_access.module to make some nodes private, but files uploaded are only "hidden" in the files directory, if someone guessed the name, they could download it.

filemanager.module + attachment.module appears to support private files, but does not display the attachment in the teaser.

I am trying to figure out how to attack this problem. Patch flexinode or attachment? Any suggestions on where to start?


I try to write module which could related parent and child in taxonomy. Child is node(type flexinode-1) but parent is term.
My hierarchy:


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