This forum is for module development and code related questions, not general module support. For general support, use the Post installation forum.

Input validation/conversion of urls

We want to convert urls in content and menus to relative urls if they are local. ie.
to: l(/node/30) or ?q=/node/30

The motivation for this is so that links do not break when we move a site from dev to live. The url conversion must happen upon submission. Could someone suggest a way to do this. Something in wiki.module could be used for general content, but what about menus?

cvs commit of a 4.6 module when cvs main is going for 4.7

Hi everybody!

I'm the maintainer of video.module .

We have realeased a good 4.6 video.module then the past weeks worked hard
for the new 4.7 version (MAIN).
Now we have a patch for a bug in the 4.6 branch but I'm not able to submit
it to the 4.6 branch

I tried it but not luky with cvs... I'm getting:
cvs commit: sticky tag `DRUPAL-4-6' for file `video.module' is not a branch

Does someone could explain how can I do it?

file upload modiule does not work with procust module

I have intalled ecommerce module and afeter that I have enabled upload module.
When I add a product, upload module does not show button "Attach" below browse file. When I edit the product it shows me "Attach" button. In edit produst I am able to upload attachmet, but in add I could not attach. I thought it may upload file when I upload product, but its not working.

Can anyone help me?

URL Functions

Hi there,

I have looked through the drupal docs and the forums without much success.

I have a hook_block function where i would like to read in the current URL specifically the current node (if any). Can I access this via a built in drupal function?

I figured that has to have already been done somewhere in the page life cycle of building a drupal page but I can't find it or figure out what function I can call to get the current url, specifically q?=node/62

ecommerce module

I have installed ecommerce module and looking to integrate following features
* sample chapter download before purchase
* either download file from server on payment or order physical copy

can any one help me?

Help with photo album integration

Hi, I am hoping someone with some better knowledge of PHP can help me here. I am trying to integrate plogger into my drupal web site. Plogger can be seen in action here:

I have tried to work with Gallery2 but it just is horrible. Plogger is much simpler and very nice looking. I thought it would be fairly straight forward to implement, since you can include the gallery on any page with just a line of code.


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