This forum is for module development and code related questions, not general module support. For general support, use the Post installation forum.

Problem in a 2 node types module

I try to develop a module (competition) which define 2 new node types (competition-player and competition-team). So i define the two next functions :

Flexinode event type

I'm trying to create a new content type using the flexinode module for events for the event module. The biggest problem I'm having is that the "Start" and "End" fields always show up at the bottom, below my description field. I tried setting the description field weight to 10 and that didn't help at all. I'm letting the event module inject the two fields into the creation form. I tried adding them to the node content type manually, hoping if I had a "Start" and "End" field in there then the event module would use those instead of injecting it's own, but that didn't work.

CVS commit question... Is that all I do?

Okay feeling pretty stupid so I've got to ask for help...

Core sections


Iam up to creating my secondary menu. It should have different sections like:

E.g. (where the number is the article number)

Gallery mod_rewrite

Hello all,

Problem with check_output

Scratching my head over this... How comes this works:

$string = "hello world";
print check_plain($string);
if (check_plain($string) === $string) {
print "<p>match";
else {
print $string;

But this doesn't?


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