This forum is for module development and code related questions, not general module support. For general support, use the Post installation forum.

Node Background

I want to make a module that allows the user to selcct the background image of a node.

This will by done by selecting the image from one in image.module (maybe using image assist - or something like that) and then write it out to a style tag when the node is viewed.

I have never written a module before (apart from the getting started thing in the handbook) so can anyone give me some ideas of how to go about it? I was looking at nodewords to see if I could hack it about a bit, but it's a bit too complex for my needs.

Change aggregator style


I want to change the

style for all the aggregator blocks. It's using "list-item" now, and i would like to change it to something different.
Can i do this ?


dice roller?

Not that I've been able to find anything like this for any other site or message board software, but I'd really be interested in someday applying a dice roller to one of my sites, for the purpose of play-by-post roleplaying and such. If I'm missing something notable, could someone point it out to me? (..not limited to drupal.. I haven't been able to find a dice roller for anything!.. even something as common as phpbb..) If I knew how to go about it, I'd build it myself.. but I still have my hands slightly full getting used to customizing themes. For someone that is fully capable of envisioning and for that matter executing such a task, at very least (if you don't want to just go ahead and make it for me.. :D ) could you give me an idea of a difficulty level?

Some features I had imagined it could have..
~simple XdY format.. probably a string of text in brackets .. [roll=2d4]
~multiple dice in one roll .. [roll=1d4,2d6,8d100]
~have some sort a history table in the database or something? the rolls would be numbered in sequence.. perhaps a page could display the numbers, each of these numbers could then be linked to the article or post in which they were rolled.

My followup question basically being, would the history feature be the downfall of an attempt at such a project? I MIGHT have a person or two to beg to do this for me, but I have to be able to convince them that it's not a waste of time first. ;)

modules and which hooks are essential

Hi guys

I been using drupal for a while now but have put off the whole process of looking at module development but my time has some

I going to start with something easy mh easy famous last words, What I was thinking of was coding a module that give the user the ability of displaying the <

automate multi sub domain drupal site

i want to setup a site similar to
where users can sign up and get an account and will have a website like this:

is there any module exist for this?
how can this made possible?
anyone willing to setup something like this?


Horde IMP integration

I just recently found Drupal while looking for a CMS that could integrate with Gallery. I've got that up and working on my site and am very happy with it. The only additional thing I want to provide to people on the site is the ability to access their email. I saw that their is a SquirrelMail module, but I really prefer Horde IMP for webmail. I saw a post from a while back about someone writing a module to integrate Horde but the site referenced didn't have any information about the module. I'm wondering if someone is still working on a module like this and what the status is.


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